Chapter Twenty-Three

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Thorin snored.


Amara rose onto her elbow, gazing down at him in the darkness of his chambers. He lay on his back, dark hair spread out beneath him, one hand flung over his head, the other resting on the sheet drawn over his stomach. His mouth was softly slack, and with each inhale, it opened a little wider. For one who was used to sleeping alone and in silence, this was quite the new experience, indeed. Especially since he hadn't snored the previous evening.

Then again, he'd had more than enough mead at the party. Perhaps that played a part in his noisiness now.

It had been one of the most wonderful evenings she'd ever had. First the party, then the fountain... she smiled, her body still tingling from his attentions as he fulfilled his promise to make love to her beneath the waterfall, and then again when they returned to his chambers. She'd fallen asleep in his arms, her head snuggled in the curve of his shoulder and chest.

Only to be rudely awakened by his snores.

Still, it was difficult to be annoyed as she gazed upon him. Seeing him sleeping here was far different from keeping watch over him in the Healing Room. Although the years seemed to fall away from his face, and the traumas and tragedies melted away just as they seemed to in the Healing Room, he just seemed far more restful now. More at peace.

Finally, he went quiet, and she savored the sudden silence, sinking back to curve against him, and the arm that had been above his head came down about her shoulders and tightened against her. She smiled, snuggling closer to him, draping her arm over his hips.

"Why are you studying me?" he asked, his voice thick with sleep.

"You woke me up with your snoring."

He cracked one eye to peer at her. "I do not snore."

"Oh, but you most definitely do."

"You have me confused with someone else."

"I don't, but I also don't wish to fight about it. There was one last thing I wished to share with you before we leave and dawn is the best time to see it."

"See what?"

She pressed a kiss into his beard, then slipped away to move to the edge of the bed, where she swung her legs over the side and said, "You have to come with me."

"It's the middle of the night."

"It's almost dawn. Trust me."

He let out a heavy sigh and sat ups rubbing his eyes with both hands. "When I fall from my pony later, it will be your fault."

"You won't fall." She slid into the gray leggings and tunic she'd worn earlier and straightened to see him still sitting against the headboard, the sheets pooled about his hips. His dark hair lay tangled about his shoulders and he still rubbed one eye. "Thorin, please... I really would like to share this with you and I may not get the chance to do it again."

"Very well."

She watched with no little appreciation as he rose from the bed and strode across to where his trousers lay draped over the chair in the corner. He climbed into them, turning as he fastened them and it took every bit of will she possessed to not throw herself at him right then and there, but she truly did wish to share this with him before they left.

He paused, one brow rising as he said, "You have that look in your eye."

"Me? What look?"

"The same one you had before you lured me into that fountain."

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