Chapter Twenty-One

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Kenia came into the Healing room as Amara emerged from her chambers, where she'd changed into a more sedate pair of gray velvet leggings and a dark blue tunic. With a knowing smile, Kenia asked, "So, did you and Thorin kiss and make up?"

Amara made a face at Kenia as she crossed through the Healing Room. "I think you know the answer to that, Kenia."

Kenia's grin could have lit up the room. "That is wonderful!" She threw her arms about Amara and hugged her warmly. Then, she stepped back, her smile fading. "Wait... that means you will be leaving us, doesn't it?"

"I wanted to speak with you before I approached Elrond," Amara said, her throat tightening somewhat. Although she was of course looking forward to the new life she'd be starting with Thorin, and looked forward to seeing Erebor as well, but she'd spent her entire life in Rivendell and had never once given thought to leaving it until now.

"Speak with me? About what?"

Amara caught her by the hands. "I made a terrible mistake in thinking Jassin was the one who should take my place, should I leave. And I made an equally terribly mistake in not pushing you to be the one instead. But, you've learned so much and have become so skilled, I feel absolutely no qualms in recommending you become Rivendell's Healer when I leave."

Kenia's golden brown eyes widened and shimmered as she said, "You really are leaving?"

Amara nodded. "Thorin has asked me to marry him, and I've said yes. And seeing how he is the King Under the Mountain, he cannot possibly remain here and he'd never be happy here, either even if he chose to stay here for me."

"He proposed?" Kenia smiled once more, her eyes still shiny. "That is wonderful! I am so happy for you!"

"Thank you, but I wanted to ask you, would you be willing to step up and into my shoes? Because if you are, I will speak to Elrond about it as soon as possible."

"Do you think I am ready, Amara? I still feel I have so much to learn."

"And that is why I know you are ready. I will leave you copies of my books and notes, and if you ever need me for anything, you need only send word and if I can come I will."

"Oh, you'll be busy with your new life," Kenia told her, embracing her once more. "You're going to be a queen and you know one of your duties will be producing an heir with him, so you'll be fairly busy with that as well."

Amara laughed as she gave Kenia a squeeze. She hadn't even given a thought to children yet. But, Kenia was right. One of Thorin's duties as king would most likely be producing an heir, which gave her a fluttery feeling deep in her belly. "Yes, I—I suppose I will be. But, if you need me and I can come, I will. I promise."

Kenia stepped back, tucking a loose red curl behind her ear. "I can never possibly fill your shoes, Amara. I simply cannot. It would take me two lifetimes to learn all that you know."

"Oh, stop. You will be fine." Amara caught Kenia's face in her hands. "You have all of the gifts a good Healer needs and I promise you, you will be fine. Trust in yourself and your skills. Now, come along and have breakfast. Thorin and I are announcing our betrothal and you won't want to miss Elrond's reaction."

They left the Healing Room together and as they drew near the terrace, Amara smiled at the boisterous laughter she immediately recognized as belonging to the dwarves. Slipping her arm through Kenia's, she said, "Don't look so nervous. They are loud, but lovely."

"I know Kili and Fili are, but the others?"

"You will be fine."

They stepped out onto the terrace and Amara found Thorin at once, sitting with Elrond and Gandalf and Bilbo. He looked up, and she'd swear she felt a jolt as his gaze landed on her. A slow smile lifted his lips, he turned to Elrond to say something, then rose and came around toward her.

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