Chapter 9 {unedited}

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I left all the first day excitement once my head started to feel better. I walked up the stairs carefully, worried I would fall again. When I got to the top, I paused and did a little mental celebration for making it all the way up. I opened the door at the top.

Inside were a bunch of beds, no way to really explain it, just a bunch of beds. The first thing that caught my attention was one unpacked trunk. Obviously it was mine, everyone else has already unpacked last night. I lifted the lid to find all my belongings inside.

I had a couple pairs of robes, some extra muggle clothes, my black high top converse, my books, my bag, and my wand. I lifted my wand out of my trunk and ran my hand over it. It's been at least a month since I've seen. My mom takes it away whenever I don't listen. It was thicker at the end, like a handle, and starts to get smaller as it goes to the end. It looks like a tree branch, literally. It had vine like things wrapping around it until about an inch from the end.

I was really not in the mood to put my stuff away and I really wanted to play with my wand. I flicked my wrist and pointed my wand towards the trunk. My things inside the trunk levitated out and started to put themselves away.

"Oh my! How are you doing that?" Someone screeched behind me. I lost my concentration and everything left in the air fell. I turned around to see who it was.

The girl had shoulder length black hair, green eyes, tan skin, and was about the same height as me. "Are you the new girl?" She asked me.

"Uh... Yeah... I'm Luna Grace," I said politely. Then I turned back to picking up my things, this time I did it manually. A finger tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see the girl.

"I'm Aiyanna Dimarzo, it's nice to meet you! I'm fifteen, how old are you?" I was really getting tired of this conversation, but replied anyway.

"Um... I'm fifteen also," I said while shoving everything into my bed. When I want to sleep I'll move it.

"What's your first class, Luna?" Aiyanna asked me while I dug through the pile on my bed to find a pair of robes.

"Herbology," I said, my back to her.

"Oh! That's my first class, too! What are you looking for?" I honestly wanted to end this conversation.

"My stupid robes," I said angrily. So far I've thrown about half of my stuff back on the floor.

"Accio robes!" Aiyanna said loudly behind me. A bunch of robes flew up from the floor and started to fly towards her. When the hit her, she fell to the floor covered in robes. I burst out laughing while her flailing arms tried to get the robes off of her.

I bent down, still laughing, and helped her up. She started laughing, too. We had to hold each other up to keep from falling to the floor.

When we finally stopped, she handed me one of my robes. "Hurry up! Don't want to be late!" She called behind her as she walked out the door.

I smiled and put on my robes. Hogwarts, bad? I wouldn't use those two words in the same sentence!

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