1- New Meetings

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To meet strangers in a wood and rediscover good

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To meet strangers in a wood and rediscover good.

THE FOREST GROANED as wind whipped through its branches like tongues of fire. Dark clouds hung overhead, covering the land in shadow. Amidst the thick trees, in between ivy and vines and moss, a fair, glowing face seemed to brighten the floor around her with every step. Her dark, soulful eyes gazed at the sky hidden by leaves, longing to see the moon and stars.

"This is a strange night," she murmured. "Darkness dwells in the East...and there is a presence I have not sensed for a long time."

The breeze seemed to roar in response, carrying with it the taste of other wanderers. The air spoke to her like a friend, breathing soft words into her ear. She understood that she was not alone in this land. A pure black stallion was barely visible in the darkness of the forest, but it's frame was outlined by the glowing figure. She stood beside the horse, skin beaming in the faint radiance of the moonlight, and spoke to it like a friend.
"Let us adventure, hmm?" She stroked her stallion as she mounted him. The horse whinnied softly in reply and set forth across the bracken and foliage covering the ground.

The steady trotting of hooves was the only sound heard in the wood. Her horse rode with graceful strides, gliding across the forest floor with effortless beauty. Its rider gazed across the landscape, peering out beyond the tree line where the hills stretched on and on for miles.
It was not long before her stallion broke through the forest's barrier and entered the barren meadows of the Weather Hills. A sea of grass expanded as far as the eye could see, waving undisturbed in the wind. The silence that blanketed the lands was peaceful, but the rider was far from calm. Her mind was racing with curiosity at who or what dark creature was prowling in the distance, and who else was traveling through these parts.

She was Indilwen, daughter of the elf lord Elrond, gifted with the senses and foresight of the High Elves. Her perception of the wind's call did not deceive her. Foul, dark creatures were present nearby, which she recognized with a bitter tongue. The Nazgul, with eyes ever searching and tongues always hissing were roaming the lands. Her skin crawled at the thought of their evil, but Indilwen's curiosity led her to travel towards the growing darkness. She dismounted her horse and ordered him to stay put until she returned.

    Her green cloak flowed out behind her as she ran through the night. What horrid business had brought the Nazgul to these parts of the lands?
   Few people came through these territories, but as Indilwen breathed in the air, she smelled the scent of a man and several companions with him.

Her pace quickened, as far off in the distance she could see the company traveling. A man there was indeed, leading four smaller...children? Indilwen could not tell from this far off. What would a man and young children be doing with Nazgul around? Didn't he know of the terrifying dark servants of Sauron?

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