𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 6

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𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 6


‘♪ Glorious God! Beautiful King!! Excellent God! I bow before your throne ♩’

That was the song the girl that was leading the congregation in worship, started singing.
Everybody in the hall immediately chorused in.

Today being Wednesday, was mapped out by the Student Governmental bodies, as the social activities day. Every Wednesday for that matter. As soon as it was twelve pm, lectures are expected to end to enable students go for their personal and social activities in school.

I was studying alone in the lecture block, when three girls walked up to me. One of them introduced herself as Oluchi, and she spoke on behalf of the others as well. She was really easy-going and spoke in a soft tone. She asked if I was going for any midweek service and I said no. She politely encouraged me to attend to the one being hosted by her church; RCF inside the school.

That was how I found myself in the midst of other students—singing and dancing to the music.
Being the introvert type of person, I did not socialize with people so much in as much as most of them made efforts to talk to me. I simply smiled and went about my business.
At a point, I began to feel hungry and started to regret why I agreed to come in the first place.

Just the thought of my mother's special jollof pasta with lots of meat, had my stomach rumbling in delight.

The praise and worship session finally came to an end. A male speaker mounted the stage. He was tall, muscular built with broad shoulders.

‘Hallelulah!’ he spoke loudly into the microphone.

‘Amen!!’ the congregation chorused.

“Say to your neighbour, ‘Neighbour...in his presence, you shall not see shame.” he instructed to the congregation.

Everyone did as told, and he continued.
He spoke on being used by the Creator. He admonished us to make ourselves wholly available for service, to our Eternal Father in Heaven, and that in turn the Father will treat all the issues of our lives and give us testimonies. He cited instances in his own life and of lives of few other people.

His message really inspired me. I was not a staunch christian, but I went to church, and I believe that there is a Creator who oversees the affairs of everyone, blesses us according to our deeds and shall judge every man at the end. I was simply being a moral human being, who had some religious ethics preserved. I resolved to let the Righteous Father use me for good and to the Glory of His name, in return, I would have no issues with my results.

He led us in prayers and gave us some Bible points for study. At the end of the session, information was passed out. A member of the choir was celebrating his birthday today, so we were told to wait behind to partake in the celebration and also take a share of cake. I waited.
As the cake was being passed round, they also placed a sheet of paper before the members—to write down their phone numbers, especially for the first-timers.

I quickly started making my way back home. Close to Hotspot place, I crossed paths with Adunni.

“What are you still doing in school by now, this girl you've joined bad gang.” she joked.

“I went for midweek service.” I answered.

“Ohh! Which church?”


“What does RCF mean? My friend...just give the full name joor,”

“Restore Christians Faith,” I replied.

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