𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 9

113 30 4

𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

It's going to be Nnenna's POV onwards, as I decided that she'll be the only main character.
Other POV(s) shall be indicated when the need for it arises.


My stomach rumbled loudly— I badly needed to use the toilet this minute. This was only a consequence of all the food I have been consuming for the past three days since I came home. I missed mother's cooking so much that I ate without caution, now my stomach was making sure I paid for that mishap.
This would be the fourth time I was using the toilet in less than five hours. My stomach was light and empty already.

Tochi and Stephanie went to school today. Both were in the last days of their academic sessions—the last week before revision week that will herald their examinations. I had just a week and three days to stay at home until classes began for the new semester. I was already missing the hostel including Helen and her troubles, I could hardly wait for lectures to start but I wanted to continue enjoying the lecture-free days and mom's food. Besides, I had two new books I bought that were keeping me company.

I started reading One Day With Him the next day after my return, only five chapters were left before I completed the book. I have not had the chance to read it at a stretch, so I had to read in-between my free time in the days and at night before I nodded off. So far, I enjoyed the chapters I have read.

Just when I was about to conclude the laundry for today, Gold walked up to me.

“Hi,” she said.

I acknowledged her greeting with a smile, “How far?” I asked.

“I'm good. You can see for yourself how much WAEC is stressing us,” she stated.

“Hmm... Has WAEC started?”

She stared at me in disbelief, “Are you sure you're in this country? Oh! I forgot sef, you're now in the higher institution so whatever happening besides that is not your business” she remarked.

I scoffed at her statement and rolled my eyes at her.
“Why...are you jealous? Don't worry, study hard and write your exams so by the ending of this year you can join us” I told her.

Did she think University life was easier? Well, she was not to be blamed, I thought the same thing once until I got to experience it for myself.

She laughed at my comment, “My sister, I can't wait”

In my mind I was amused by her fantasy. I changed the water I was using to wash and disposed the dirty one.

“Let me help you,” she offered and started squeezing the water out of the clothes before hanging them on the clothesline.

“Thank you,” I told her after we were done. We trudged towards my house and I took the buckets inside while she waited outside.

I came out again with a plate containing four oranges, I did not like citrus flavours but I could manage a few oranges once in a long while.

“Care for an orange?”

“Okay, thank you” she took one and we sat down by the long bench provided just outside the building.
We exchanged a few stories of how different we were surviving the academic year. She talked about how hard it was to cope with her house chores and find time to study for her next examination.  I felt bad for her but it was a period every student must pass through, at least for the ones who did chores.

Once it was five minutes to three O'clock, I started my journey to my siblings school. Since I was on break and not doing anything for the meantime, I offered to help mother pick Tochi and Stephanie from their school. I was also fully aware that they could find their way home but I needed the time away from the too quiet compound. Somehow, staying in the hostel has taught me to see life from a different perspective.

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