Part 17

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She simply stared at me incredulously after I asked her what has been on my mind for a while now.

“So?” I said again; nervous with how she was staring at me.

“Um... I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear what I just heard.”

“I'm serious o,”

Her neutral expression suddenly changed and her eyes blazed with emotion I don't want to interpret.
“Do you even hear yourself or you're not sure of what you are saying?”

“What do you mean?”

“That I should show you how I make extra money to help myself in this school, is that a reasonable question? What if I told you they're from my parents?”

“Girl, be serious for once na. I'm desperate here,” I pleaded.

“Oh! Are you now?” she chuckled bitterly, “So, now that you're desperate I should give in to your demand? What was that you said to me then?”

“Helen stop na...grow up. I already said I'm sorry. Now I understand what you've been shielding me from, your message is clear now can we move on?”

“Nnenna... I was trying to help you then because somehow I liked you, and afterwards you lost your mom. Don't get me wrong, you were never an object of pity for me, more like the sister I never had. Until you made that statement...” she had this surly look on her face.

“I'm sorry, I realize how wrong I am now...”

“No, the irony of the matter is that you were right. The way I make the money I spend is not befitting for saints like you, that is why I won't be introducing you to how it's done.”

“ right now I'm in a ditch trying to get out anyway I can.”

“I don't want to be responsible for whatever happens to you...”

“So, you would rather I commit suicide or drop out of school?”
She opened her mouth to respond but I cut in. “As it stands now, that's the only options I have.”

She gave it a thought and said she would get back to me.

The next day, as we both dressed to go our different ways, she left a thousand naira note on the desk for my transport. I wanted so badly to decline but I was desperate. Desperate for help of any kind and from any source. So, I took the money and headed for my exams for the day.

It was the day after the exams for the semester was concluded that she sent me a message instructing to meet her for lunch. When I got there, I met her seated at a table with a guy.

As I sat down, I observed his features. He looked completely harmless in his simple red polo, blue jeans and red Lacoste facecap. There wasn't a single beard or mustache on his fair face.

“Na she be the one?” he said to Helen.
At this moment, my subconscious hinted at leaving, turning down whatever offer they had for me. Suddenly, the atmosphere around us became odious.

Helen nodded affirmatively.

I swallowed; exchanging glances between the two of them.

“You sabi do the kain work wey we dey do?” he said in low tone.

“It depends kind of work?” I stuttered; having second thoughts at the last minute.

He gave a sinister chuckle. “The same work young girls like you even younger ones do everyday.”

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