Part 13

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“Thank you for applying, please come again on Monday,” the man I learnt was the general manager, told me.

“Okay, sir. By what time please?” I asked.

“By 10 O'clock is okay,” he responded.

I nodded and stood up from the chair in his office. I took one last glance at his desk to confirm that my letter and file were there before I made my way towards the door.

As I left the building, the only thing on my mind was that I would be accepted. It did not matter to me that I would have to divide my time between my studies and work with what he told me, the only thing I wanted at this moment was doing something that would yield money for me to take care of certain expenses.

I did not wait to tell Natalia that I was leaving, besides I did not see her again. I simply sent a short text to her explaining that I have met with the manager. The sun was at its peak when I stepped outside, it was like it positioned above the sky directly opposite the hotel because its rays were reflecting on the glass windows of the building. I regretted not taking a cap or umbrella with me.

When I walked out of the building, I bumped into a man's back. It seemed like he was walking backwards and did not see that I was coming behind him.

“Ouch! Sorry,” I apologized even though it was not my fault.

“No, I'm sorry. I should have watched where I was going to” he apologized and placed a hand on my shoulder, “Hope I did not hurt you?” he asked.

“No, sir” I shook my head at him.

He smiled, thankful that I was okay. Then he went away.

“Hi again,” I heard the young man who was talking to the other man I bumped into, say.

“Hi,” I returned and made to walk away when his next words stopped me.

“You don't remember me, do you?” he said.

“! Have we met before? I must have forgotten,”

“Yeah, you definitely have. Although, we weren't properly introduced then. I am the guy you bought those books from in school, at that stand close to...” he started to explain but I cut in when I remembered.

“Okay, I remember now. How are you?” I said.

“I'm good. So...have you finished reading those books?” he inquired.

“No, I have not finished them. I started it but I've had a lot of things on my hands at this point. It's just been a tough period for me and I need to meet up on my school work...” I stopped talking when I realized I was rambling with a stranger.

I just met him two times for goodness sake and I started ranting about my problems as if I had known him as long as the beginning of time.

He was just staring at me and smiling.

“I have to go,” I told him.

“I would also like to inform you that we have new arrivals and we want to do an auction sale on some of our old books, it's going to be in form of a small gathering. If you're interested, I can send you a message on the details whenever we're ready,”

“Sure, that'll be nice. Call your number,” I fished out my phone from my bag.

He did and we waved goodbyes before heading our separate ways.

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