Chapter 5- The Start of a...Band?

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Tw-Fighting, little bit of blood

Also sorry for making Tommy a bitch, I didn't think he would be one but here we are.

*Tubbo's pov*(this is after school before the game)

Sometimes I wonder how that blonde prick is popular, I mean all he does is bully the shit out of people, I mean, poor Ranboo got humiliated in front of so many people because of him.

My feet were carrying me somewhere, I probably have a good idea where.

As I was walking down the crowded hallway, looking for that blonde prick.

I noticed his annoying and loud voice first, I followed the voice and eventually cought up to him.

"Hey!" I shouted but not to loud to get many peoples attention, but it did get Tommy's attention.

He looked towards me, by the looks of it he didn't expect me to come running up to him.

"You need something?" He asked harshly, crossing his arms.

I didn't think for another moment and punched Tommy in the face, definitely leaving a bruise.

Tommy put his hand where I punched his face.

"Oww! What the fuck man!?" He yelled, getting peoples attention.

"1 for being a bitch! 2 for you humiliating Ranboo!" I shouted getting many students attention.

"Oh? I see the loner is sticking up for the tall bitch" He laughed. I was just so frustrated at this point where I punched him again, where I got a punch in return.

I had to get pulled off of Tommy by a teacher to make me stop beating the shit out of him, I had a bloody nose, a black eye, a bruised cheek, and a lot of other bruises around my body while Tommy also had a bloody nose but has significantly more bruise then me. Me and Tommy were taken to the principle's office.

I slumped in the chair and I whipped my nose leaving a little trail of blood on my hand, I whipped my hand on my jeans and crossed my arms.

The principle walked in and sat down in his chair.

"So would you like to explain to me why you were fighting in the halls?" The principle asked, raising a brow.

"Well he punched me in the face for no reason" Tommy said innocently.

"No! I had a reason, he is bulling another student" I yelled standing up slamming my hands on the desk.

"Calm down Toby" He said strictly, I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

"Is this true Tommy? Are you bulling another student?"

Tommy sighed, knowing he'll have to tell the truth.

"Yes Mr. Minecraft" He muttered.

Mr. Minecraft sighed and crossed his arms on the desk.

"I expected better from the both of you, now, who is the student you've been bulling?" He asked.

"-----  Beloved" Tommy answered. (I will not use a name like 'Mark' for Ranboo, so when I use a name that isn't his online name I will blur it out since he hasn't said his name but you can add a name if you like!)

Mr. Minecraft sat back in his chair thinking.

"Your both in music correct?" He questioned, we both slowly nodded, confused. What could he be planning?

He sat up and typed on his computer, and did some other shit.

"How 'bout you two join the battle of the bands?" He asked.

Me and Tommy looked at each other, then back at Mr. Minecraft.

"There's a battle of the bands?" I asked confused. Mr. Minecraft let out a long sigh.

"Of course Wil didn't tell the students" He muttered, and typed on his keyboard.

"Yes there is and im going to have the two of you and ----- join the battle of the bands" He said.

"WHAT! THERE'S NO WAY IM DOING THAT WITH THEM!" Tommy screamed standing up.

I wince at how loud he was.

"Tomathy sit the fuck down" Mr. Minecraft said sternly, and that shut Tommy real quick making him sit quickly, and if im being honest, I was quite scared of Mr. Minecraft now.

"But im pretty sure Ranboo doesn't have music in his schedule" I said using Ranboo's nickname instead of his real name.

"I'll make changes to his schedule so he does" He said with a smile.

"Is this supposed to be some kind of punishment?" Tommy asked raising a brow.

"Oh, definitely not, you both will be suspended for 5 days" Mr. Minecraft said with a smile.

I sighed knowing my father wasn't going to be happy knowing I was suspended.

"Ok Toby you can leave, Tommy stay behind" he said and I nodded and exited out of the room but I stayed by the door, I know eavesdropping isn't ok but I was curious why Tommy had to stay longer then me.

"Tommy I expected better from you, I truly did, I will never allow anyone to bully especially if that someone is my own son" Son? I didn't know Tommy was Mr. Minecraft's son, I walked out of the office and walked out the doors heading home, I guess me, Tommy and Ranboo are a band now.

Nothing can go wrong! Right?
856 words

Hey guys!

Sorry for the late chapter, I had trouble coming up with some ideas.

Also thank you p0ker_face for suggesting so many songs to use for the band!

If you want to suggest a song you can, but you don't have to.

Also thank you for so many votes on my last story and the kind comments I got on my face reveal, I was nervous to post that, since I have low self-esteem, so again thank you!

Love you, bye!💕

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