Chapter 7- The Game

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Tw- more bullying from Tommy because why not.

*Tubbo's pov*

We were gonna go straight to Tommy's place after school but apparently Ranboo has a Volleyball game tonight that he couldn't miss.

Tommy was all grumpy, saying swears under his breathe and to be honest i'm actually quite excited to see Ranboo play.

I was walking to the cafeteria.

I sighed.

I know Tommy hates Ranboo and he isn't happy about us being partners for the band and me and Tommy are probably gonna kill each other at some point during this but oh well.

The loud conversations rang through my ears as I entered the cafeteria, I sat at my usual table by myself and I had no idea where Ranboo was.

I decided to not get lunch since I wasn't hungry.

I turned my head as a loud crash was heard through out the room then laughter emerged from the room, I got up to see who they where laughing at, only to see Ranboo on the floor with food on the floor and himself (Tommy really hasn't learned his lesson...) and his glasses where also on the floor.

My hands balled up into fists making my knuckles white...Maybe Tommy needs another lesson cause he clearly didn't learn the first time.

"Did you not learn the first time or something!?" I yelled as I helped Ranboo up, picking up his glasses and handing them to him.

I saw him roll his eyes and scoff and I rolled my eyes in return.

I hooked our arms together and led Ranboo to my table.

*Time skip to the game because i'm lazy and running out of ideas😑*

The sound of sneaker squeaking on the ground could be heard in the gym.

"You didn't have to come" Ranboo said holding onto his duffle bag with clothes and shit.

"I know, but I wanted to come!" I said with a smile, and I hope Ranboo was smiling to but I couldn't see his expressions.

I waved Ranboo goodbye and went into the gym and sat on the bleachers and went on my phone, waiting for the game to start.

The crowed cheered as the teams went out on the court, and when our team went out, Ranboo stuck out, well for one his height being the tallest out of everyone on the team and two, he was like the only boy on the team.

But I didn't really care about that, it was  that Ranboo didn't have his glasses on, which was quiet surprising to say the least.

Ranboo was in the front on the left, I couldn't hear if he was talking or not because of people screaming. I notice the girl that was across from him, turned red, I notice that threw out the game, that the other team would get red when they were by Ranboo, but I also noticed the hard glares at Ranboo and that the other team was always getting out of bounces, but I can tell that our team didn't care as long they were winning.

The score board counted down the time and obviously kept tack of the score, and when it went off, it signaled the game was over, with our team winning by a long shot, the team high-fived each other and shook the other teams hands.

I waited in the cafeteria on my phone for Ranboo.

"Hey Tubbo!"

I looked up to see Ranboo walking up to me, I smiled and stood up and hugged him.

"You did amazing out there Bo!"

He chuckled and returned the hug.

"Thanks Bee!" He said as I heard the smile in his voice. I let go of him and backed up a little.

"So you ready to go?" I asked.


"To your house! Where gonna have a sleepover!" I smiled.

"I don't know...." He said unsure.

"Come on please Bo!" I begged, giving him the puppy dog eyes.

I heard him sigh and chuckle.

"Ok, fine" He said, I smiled and hugged him.

I let go and we made our way to Ranboo's car.

Maybe this is a good day...and pretend that Tommy didn't complete almost ruin our day.
Hello everyone!

How are you? I hope your doing well.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it took awhile to come out, I'm just having some writers block.

Anyway for some reason I wanted to make Tubbo a cheerleader but didn't but eh.

Also I thought about having the trio dye part of their hair strawberry blonde because...why not. What do you guys think? Should I make them dye their hair strawberry blonde?

Also you people really liked seeing Tubbo beat the shit out of Tommy, so I might add more of that...if you want to see that, idk.

Anyway, I hope to post more often.

Love you, bye!💕

The Boy I Never Imagined Being With|Beeduo & BenchTrio| (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now