Chapter 8-The Sleepover

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Tw-Ranboo's dad being a dick (nothing in detail)

*Ranboo's pov*

The car ride to my house was a little uncomfortable, with an awkward silence.

I decided to brake the tension.

"Sooo did you enjoy the game?"

It was the only thing that came to mind and trying to brake the awkward silence that was in the air was...awkward.

"Yeah I thought it was good" Tubbo replied.

It went back to an awkward silence.

"Is there any reason why you want to go to my place or..." I said dragging out the 'r' in or.

"Nope, I just wanted to hang out with you more!" Tubbo said popping the 'p' in nope.

I chuckled.

"So you want to spend more time with me?"

I saw in my peripheral vision that Tubbo looked away and I chuckled and kept my eyes on the road.

I opened the front door to my house for Tubbo and walked in myself.

"Mom im home! And I brought a friend!" I yelled to my mother as I took my mask off.

A women with dirty blonde hair walked out of the kitchen.(im way to lazy to describe so I'll put a pic at the end to show you what she looks like)

"Hi mom" I said as she engulfed me in a hug.

"Hi honey! How was the game?"

"It was good mom" I said with a smile.

"Sorry I couldn't go, your father was home and I needed to make dinner" She said.

I sighed.

Father is a jerk some times.

My parents are religious, my mom is very supportive of everyone, no matter their gender, race or religion because she's amazing and everyone should have a mom like this.

My father on the other hand is not, he's very homophobic and racist and everything you would hate in your parents.

"It's ok mom, oh also this is my friend Tubbo!" I said with a smile.

"Oh, Hi Tubbo! I'm Mrs. Beloved, it's wonderful to meet you! Ranboo talks about you all the time!" She said, giving Tubbo a quick hug.

"Moommmmmm!!" I wined, my cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Sorry honey" She giggled Tubbo doing the same.

"Ok i'll leave you boys alone, dinner will be in about 10 minutes!" My mother said waving bye going into the kitchen.

"Sorry about my mom, she just a little embarrassing some times" I said walking up the stairs, Tubbo following behind.

"It's ok, I mean every mom tries to embarrass their kids" Tubbo giggled, my cheeks heat up, that was kinda cute.

I opened my bedroom door and closed it when Tubbo walked in. I flopped on my bed and went on my phone.

I heard my closet door open, because it was squeaky as crap, I turned off my phone and looked up, to see Tubbo grabbing a hoodie and putting it on and it fell to around his knees.

"Are really stealing one of my hoodies?"

Tubbo turned around.

"Yes. Yes I am" He said proudly putting his hands on his hips.

I rolled my eyes, of course the first time Tubbo comes over he's stealing my clothes, and he's only been here for like 5 minutes.

"Im not surprised" I said laying back down.

"So you don't mind that im stealing your clothes?"

"No, I literally have like 20 more sweaters in my closet" I said going on my phone.

All of a sudden my phone was yanked out my hands.

"What the heck?! What was that for!?" I yelled.

"Pay more attention to me" Tubbo said, throwing my phone behind his shoulder. Hopefully my phone didn't brake or anything when he did that.

"O-oh, ummmm ok?" I said confused, then all of a sudden Tubbo was in my lap, leaving me more confused and flustered.

"So any reason why you wanted to sit in my lap?" I asked eye brow raised.

"Nope, just wanted to sit here"

I chuckle and rolled my eyes.

"Boys time for dinner!" Came mothers voice as she yelled for us up the stairs.

Dinner was delicious, it would of been better if my father wasn't being a jerk the whole time, being very demanding of my mother to do thing for him and asking Tubbo a bunch of questions. They were fine at first but then it started to get uncomfortable when he started to ask very personal things about him.

"Sorry for that" I said, flopping on the bed Tubbo doing the same.

"If you want I can get an air mattress or I can sleep on the couch or floor or something" I said sitting up rubbing the back of my neck.

"No it's ok, is it ok if we cuddle? Sorry if im being clingy" He said, rubbing his arm. My face headed up at the question.

"Oh ummm...Yeah sure, I guess" I said as I went to my closet and pulled out some pajamas for me and Tubbo. I handed him the clothes.

"Sorry if there to big, it's all I got" I said, Tubbo said it was ok, and I went into the bathroom to change and did all my other stuff.

I exited out of the bathroom to see Tubbo already dressed in pj's, on my bed, on his phone.

I got in bed and buried my face into my pillows, Tubbo turned off the lights and got in bed. It was awkward of course and even more awkward when he cuddled up to me.

I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him closer.

I closed my eyes, enjoying this moment hoping it will never end.
916 words

Hello everyone, how are you? Hope your doing well!

Sorry if these chapter are taking a while to come out, I just started a new book, the first two chapter are out so you should go read them!

Sorry if these chapter are taking a while to come out, I just started a new book, the first two chapter are out so you should go read them!

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These are Ranboo's parents, I hope you like their designs! Hopefully you can see them.

Anyway, I hope you have a good day/night!

Love you, bye!💕

The Boy I Never Imagined Being With|Beeduo & BenchTrio| (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now