Chapter 12- I love you?

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Tw- Little bit of homophobia

*Ranboo's pov*

Me and Tubbo where walking to my car, hand an hand, laughing and giggling all the way there.

I opened the car door for him and he smiled and giggled.

"Thank you, such a gentlemen" Tubbo getting into the car, I closed the door and went to the driver side and got in, starting the car.

Tubbo got his hands on the aux cord again so he was already blasting music.

I quickly got out of the school parking lot and started to make out way to my house.

I open the passenger door for Tubbo and he smiled and thanked me.

We walked up the path to the front door and I opened it, only to be greeted by my mother.

'Hi sweetie! Welcome home! Oh and it's lovely to see you to Tubbo!" My mother said giving me and Tubbo a hug.

"There's fresh cookies in the kitchen and I will be making dinner soon" She said with a bright smile, making me and Tubbo smile back.

My mother went into the living room, I could hear her talking to some probably my father, me and Tubbo went upstairs into my room.

"So is there anything you want to do or no?" I ask shutting my door.

I heard him hum, probably thinking.

"No just wanted to hang out with you" He said making me role my eyes.

"You always hang out with me" I said sitting on my bed.

"Yeah well that was also with Tommy, I wanted us to hang out with each other, you know alone" He said, his face going a light shade of pink, and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah well, there's no Tommy, so what do you want to do?" I ask with a raised brow.

"Well why don't we go to the park?"

I thought for a moment, going to the park wouldn't be so bad.

"Yeah sounds fun" I said with a smile.

He smiled and quickly came up to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me up and started to drag me out of my room (after he opened the door) and went downstairs.

Tubbo was about to open the door but he was stopped.

"And where do you think your going?!" The voice made my spin shiver.

"We're just going to the park father" I said with a weak smile.

"---- your not going to the park" My father said sternly, crossing his arms.

"W-what!? Why!?" I yelled getting upset, Tubbo squeezed my hand to comfort me.

"Also stop holding that boys hand, you know that being gay is wrong" My father said.

"Honey stop it, let the be" My mother said, coming into the room.

"You boys can go to the park" My mother smiled.

We quickly left the house, hearing arguing from my parents as we left.

"Sorry 'bout that" I said.

"Its ok, really Boo" Tubbo smiled. We continued to talk, with our hands interlocked as we walked to the park.

We sat at the bench watching the sunset, as it takes about 15 minutes to get there.

"You know the sunset is really pretty" I said.

"Yeah just like you"

"You think im pretty!?" My face was now flushed red.

"Y-yeah I do" Tubbo said looking towards me.

"Hey Ranboo?"

"Yeah?" I asked as we both our eyes locked.

"You know I really like you" Tubbo said, moving his hand on top of mine, making his and my face flush more.

"Like a friend, right?" I asked nervously.

"You know that's not what I mean" He said, rubbing the top of my fingers.

"Are you sure you like me like that?" I asked.

"Yes, im very sure Boo" Tubbo's voice was now a little above a whisper, leaning in, with me doing the same.

"Are you sure this is ok Bee?" I ask, tilting my head with my eyes slowly closing.

"Yeah im sure Boo" Tubbo said doing the same thing as me.

Our lips finally touch in a sweet, passionate and short kiss, it felt like fireworks went off, when we broke apart it felt like I wanted more.

I placed my hand to his cheek, just enjoying the moment with Tubbo.

Our lips locked into another kiss, this one was a little longer but still full of passion, we broke apart once more.

We pressed our foreheads together.

"I love you Ranboo" Tubbo whispered his face a bright red.

"I love you too Tubbo" I whispered back giving his one last peck on the lips.

We finished watching the sunset with our heads on top of each other and our fingers interlocked.

"We should get going, my mother is probably worried" I said Tubbo yawned.

"Yeah lets get going" He said, we got up and started to walk back to my place.

"Boys! Welcome back!" I heard my mother yell as we walked into the house.

"Hi mom" I said, yawning.

"Oh you guys must be tired, you should go to bed" She said with a smile. We nodded and stared to go upstairs.

"Also congrats you two" My mother said with a bright smile.

Me and Tubbo blushed and smiled.

"Thanks mom" I said and went upstairs with Tubbo.

We got ready for bed and snuggled under the covers, enjoying each others presents.

"Night Ranboo, love you"

"Love you too, Tubbo"

And with that we fell asleep in each others arms.
907 Words.

Hey guys sorry for not updating this story in awhile but I hope this chapter was worth the wait!

Sorry for spelling mistakes.

I'll see you guys later!

Love you, bye!💕

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