Chapter 8: Nightmares

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Adrien and Marinette were fighting against the Terminator, it's knives slicing through things so clean one couldn't feel the pain. They had cleared all the citizens as Aspik had his power activated, and Multimouse used Multitude to warn away citizens. It was just them against the villain, who did not look like he was joking around.

"I'll see who says my aim isn't good enough! I'll slice them and then they'll see!''

Dodging the knives wasn't easy, but thanks to the suit, they were able to hear the metal slicing through the air.

Marinette then grew back and had 5 minutes before she had to go and detransform. He was well aware she was not only fighting and keeping wits about the akumatized object but where and how to detransform. His own bracelet chimed in, realization hitting him how long they had been fighting this akuma.

Terminator shot a knife which Aspik barely dodged, but when he turned back, he saw hundreds of knives all targeting where he was. He knew he couldn't get away in time.

Then he heard a small yelp, and he saw Multimouse. Stabbed. Bleeding. Falling.


He jumped and shot down, catching her as she nearly hit the road. There was no hope, second chance was out, and multitude couldn't help.

"Marinette, no. I'll get an ambulance just wait and I-"

"Aspik no, I- I won't make it."

Tears were blurring his eyes as she smiled, "You have to defeat Terminator, save Paris Adrien."

Then she went limp.

Adrien shot up, sweating, his eyes bewildered and red. Fatigue had caught up but he was too afraid to close his eyes again. It had been a week since the last villain, yet the nightmares hadn't stopped. Watching her die again and again wasn't pleasant.

Marinette wasn't any better, watching Adrien nearly get hit and looking so distraught had her shook. She had never seen him break so badly.

Even so, her nightmares could not compare to what Adrien felt. He would nervously twiddle around his bracelet, the miraculous that was both a curse and blessing. No one has to know how many times he saw her go down.

He would bite his lip in anticipation waiting for her to reach school, to see her ok. He had risked being Chat Noir, which Plagg had insisted.

Plagg said he was getting irritated from being awoken of his peaceful slumber, but in reality, he was worried about his owner.

He tried contacting Ladybug to no avail. Marinette would still have to be Multimouse.

He stood on the rooftop, rotating his foot once more. Patrol...ok.

Just patrol. What could go wrong? No villain has to come up every patrol, right? Hawkmoth must have a life outside this too, right?

Multimouse showed up in less than a minute but it didn't take him long to notice her puffed red eyes, which were similar to his sleep deprived as well.

"You ok Multimouse?"
"I- I am."

He didn't push the question any further, if she didn't want to tell him right now, he can wait until she's ready. They sat in silence, as always. But it wasn't comfortable, it wasn't good company. It was a barrier. Barrier of secrets, pain and shadows. Because the burden of Unshared Secrets rested heavily upon their shoulders. 

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