Chapter 14: Quitting

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Marinette sighed and called on a transformation, after a long time. "Tikki, spots on!"

She jumped the roofs of Paris, now calm and bustling as ever, joyous that the city has been protected by the threat of Hawk-Moth. Tikki and Plagg eventually came out of their 'hibernation', however Marinette was all nerves in meeting Chat Noir, as was Adrien. They had to pretend and lie a lot this time.

"Hey Chat."

"Hey LB."

She subconsciously registered he didn't call her M'lady, but ignored it. This wasn't a time to think about such stuff. There was a slight uncomfortable silence, and then Ladybug broke it. She hugged Chat, slight tears slipping. Chat was taken aback, but slowly hugged her back.


"I missed you, a lot. I wish I- I mean we could've captured Hawkmoth together and- I just missed you."

"I missed you too Ladybug."

The heroes stayed like that together for some time. Ladybug felt Chat had every right to be there and defeat Hawkmoth with them. Aspik was awesome, he was and is and deserved it, but so did Chat Noir. And she won't lie that she did see Aspik as Chat Noir at times. Even Chat Noir felt the same way. Marinette was amazing, perfect just as great as Ladybug. But she deserved to fight with all of them too. 

They parted and sat on their usual roof, the rooftop where Aspik and Multimouse sat was far off in their view, about two roads away. They smiled solemnly at every memory, their minds and heart wandering away to their other partners.

"Multimouse and Aspik caught Hawkmoth, is there a need for Ladybug and Chat Noir anymore?"

Ladybug looked downcast and switched her gaze down below. Chat snapped his head towards her when he realized, she was asking him if they should quit. He smiled and rested is hand on hers, and she gave a low gasp and looked at him, her blue eyes swimming in emotions,

"Ladybug, we're guardians of Paris, Hawkmoth isn't the only threat, there are plenty others as well. We protect them from every danger, not just Hawkmoth."

Ladybug smiled and tears fell as she hugged him again, "Thank you Chat Noir."

Reminding themselves of their patrols they leapt off in different directions, unaware of the lurking shadow. 

After a lengthy search and stop, they met back and cleared off any danger. Chat and Ladybug retreated back to their houses, both content of everything. Everything was perfect.

Too bad perfect things don't last forever.

Next day at school Adrien arrived in class to see a worried Alya. He thought how Marinette wasn't here, she was usually late but Alya was looking way worried, had she gone missing again? His heart started beating faster as he approached Alya, but his heart returned to normal seeing everyone else was acting normal. Content but panicking.

"Alya, is everything alright?"

"It is Adrien, just Marinette."

"What about her?"
"She feels as if someone has been following her, and it's making her paranoid."

He wondered if someone figured out her identity, or it was in Marinette's head. He shook away those thoughts. Marinette's instincts were quite alert, and if she felt she was being followed, she was. It could be Hawkmoth or Mayura, but they don't have their miraculous. And what are they to do with Multimouse's miraculous? Besides he's sure Ladybug took her's anyway, he hasn't seen her wear the necklace anymore.

Just then someone bumped into him.

Lila Rossi.

"Adrien! How are you?"

He smiled through gritted teeth. Her sugar coated shrilly sweet voice made him want to rip his ears out. It was enough she lied about being Ladybug's friend, but endangering and framing Marinette and Ladybug crossed the line. He inwardly sighed, he had made a deal of friendship if she stayed away from Marinette.

"Hey Lila, how are you?"

"I'm great! I was just hoping you could help me with my English! See my dyslexia recently returned-"

 He tuned her out then, the snitch lies so well. If she has so many diseases someone put her in a hospital, or better yet a mental one. He shook his head, how come the school never checked her medical records? Even a public school can't be this bad. Oh wait it can, because it is.

He saw Marinette enter and immediately walked past Lila, who he knew was scowling. He waved and she smiled and waved back, "Hey Adrien, how are you?"
"I'm great! Is everything okay?"
She looked slight uncertain and looked back at him. "Yeah, I guess."

"Alya told me about it, you okay Marinette?"
"I think, maybe I'm slightly paranoid, it's nothing I'm sure."

They sat in class and it began. Ms. Bustier was discussing tragic story endings.

"Why did Coral let go of Luke for Amelia?"

"Because she's an idiot." Chloe snickered.

"No, because sacrifice is more than just letting go. It's being happy in another one's. It might hurt others too, but if it's the right thing then do it. Choose easy or right, because as easy as that path was, it'll have you land in trouble just as fast. What do you think sacrifice is class?"

It was silent before Marinette raised her hand. Adrien turned and saw she was looking at her table, her face solemn as if she understood,

"Sacrifice is lies. Lies you're ok and that everything is alright. When you sacrifice, people call you an idiot, but they don't see how right everything was to that person in the moment,  how nothing else mattered. To sacrifice is to protect, and that is to lie about the pain so they don't ever go through what you did."

She then smiled,

"It's just one of those things love makes you do."

She then sat. Then there was a clap.

Chloe Bourgeois clapping for Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and soon everyone else was too. Ms. Bustier applauded as well, "Great representation Marinette. Not all lies are bad, some are sweet coated truths to protect. It is a sensory topic, all of you write a report. It is due on-"

Just then the class door busted open, Ms. Bustier muttering, "Always my class."
This...thing wasn't like an Akuma or amok, it was green vines with no object attached.

Adrien tried to get up, only to discover his feet tied and held down by vines. The plant moved towards Marinette and grabbed her, raising her high and squeezing her. The plant began moving as Adrien bit the vine on his shoes, bending. It snapped and slapped Adrien on the cheek who jumped and ran towards the hallway, screaming, "Marinette!!"

He arrived in an empty silent hallway, no sign some student was taken by an evil vine plant, not a single one.

His legs gave away as he fell on his knees, his hands on his face, "Marinette..."

The plant was gone. 

She was gone.

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