Other oc bio

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Name: Shawn

Last name: Ortez

Freelancer name: Rhode Island

Rank: Private

Armor color: Green with black accents (formerly) mint with black accents.

Species: Human

Hair color: black

Eye color: Purple

Affiliations: blue team

Status: Alive

Age: 28 (through season 5)
33 (through season 6)
34 (through season 7-9)
35 (currently)

Unnamed parents (deceased)
Samuel Ortez (older brother, Unknown)

Assault rifle
Rocket launcher

Hand-to-hand combat
Flying a pelican

Strength: Freelancer level

Mental health: a bit nutty

Personality: childish, hyper when has a to blow things up, serious when talking about older brother, a older brother figure and caring towards his friends.

Likes: Explosions, fireworks, messing with his enemies, his brother, his friends and helping others.

Dislikes: betrayal from old friends, people who use other people for their own gain, people that deny what they are and people not taking anything seriously in serious situations.

Fears: losing his brother.

Shawn and his parents were in a car accident and his parents died, so he was placed in foster care and was bullied by his foster sister and his class mates until his brother came and took him home to take care of him and you can say that their close. Shawn admires his older brother for his bravery and wants to just like him. One day when Shawn was 15 his older brother left him a note saying that he's going to help people and couldn't bring him along. Shawn understood and went to join the UNSC. After a few years, he was recruited by project freelancer and became known as Rhode Island. He loved it there, he loved the missions and the companionship.

When he met Agent Connecticut, they were supposed to fight each other and he won. He made it clear that he hated fighting girls because they'll hit him harder then he did but ended up good friends and he thinks of her as a friend. When she betrayed everyone, he was heartbroken by this but after finding out the truth he wanted to get back at project freelancer for killing his friend. He met Agent South the same way, she thought he was a wimp and wanted nothing to do with him because she was a girl and he didn't like her because she called him a wimp because when he was young he was called that by allot of bullies and when they saw each other again he wasn't surprised that she betrayed wash and wanted to give up delta for her own gain and was saddened that north died, his other best friend.

When he met Agent York, they became good friends and shared funny stories and jokes, they were best friends. When he met Agent North Dakota, they became good friends, he thought of him as a brother because he reminded him of his brothers caring nature before he left and when heard that north died, he was saddened that he died. When he met Agent Washington, they became instant best friends and got along great and mainly because their both nervous around girls as well. After Washington's accident with Epsilon he was saddened that he changed after meeting again years later At blood gulch and wanted to help him and knew how. He sometimes teases him for liking Thea.

When he met Maine, he was nervous around him because how big he was but they became good friends as well. When Maine was controlled by sigma and betrayed everyone, Shawn was saddened by this and he threw him off a cliff after the mother of invention crashed. When he Agent Wyoming, he told me a knock knock joke and he immediately got annoyed by that and they never got along because of that and Wyoming didn't like him because thought he was weird. At blood gulch, their relationship never changed.

When he met Agent Texas, he thought she was a good friend because he felt like she understood him and they continued being friends until the end. When she asked him to help her, he agreed because he hated people using other people. When he met Agent Carolina, they didn't really get along because she was a bitch to everyone and only cared about being number, it also indicates that he loves her and when he found out that she was alive, he was relieved. He didn't care about the leadership board at all, he just wanted his team to be themselves Again like before. He started questioning everything once Texas came along. When they attacked project freelancer, he was attacked by Maine and was thrown off the cliff. He had hit his head and he became a bit nutty, he then went into hiding and joined blue team.

When Shawn met Simmons, he thought he was suspicious because he kept saying the wrong things and when he found out he was a red he thought someone ticked him off and wanted revenge. When he met Church he thought he was a jerk but was glad to call him his friend. When he met Tucker he thought he was a perv and thought he was cool. When he met Caboose he thought he was a little brother and became friends with him.

When Shawn met Thea, he thought she reminded him of an old friend but said nothing and became friends. When he found out what her type was and told her that he knew someone just like that and that maybe if they saw each other again he'd set it up because he wanted his friend to be happy again like he was before the accident. When he met Sister, he thought she was odd and wanted nothing to do with her because he was in love with another person. When he met Doc, he thought he was weird but accepted him. When he met the other reds he thought Grif was lazy, Sarge was crazy and donut was really weird.

When Junior was born it indicates that he likes kids but childbirth creeped him out.

Voice actor: Jack Black.

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