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Locus and two Federal Army soldiers are standing in the opening shot. A Battle Rifle shot resonates, and one of the soldiers fall. The other soldier begins to fire his Assault Rifle.

Washington: Get to cover!

Wash charges forwards, and the Blood Gulch crew do the same. Grif takes cover behind a metal barricade and opens fire. Tucker moves behind the barricade and prepares to engage. Simmons and Sarge dart behind the Scorpion tank, firing their weapons. Thea and Shawn take cover behind some sandbags and open fire. The Federal Army soldiers rush forward, while Locus cloaks himself. Meanwhile, Freckles and Lopez 2.0 are engaged in their own battle. Freckles fires a rocket, but Lopez 2.0 ducks, the rocket sailing over his head.

Lopez 2.0: ¡Fallaste, perra![Missed, bitch!]

Freckles responds by firing his minigun, landing some hits on Lopez 2.0.

Lopez 2.0: ¡Ow!

Lopez 2.0 retreats, while Freckles advances. Caboose looks towards him.

Caboose: Freckles! Be careful!

Washington: Damn it! We need something to draw their fire!

Sarge and Simmons emerge from behind the Scorpion.

Sarge: Simmons?

Simmons: Shotgun!

More Federal Army soldiers rush forward, but stop when they see the Scorpion, piloted by Sarge, and the turret manned by Simmons.

Sarge: "Tanks" for dropping by, dirtbags, but it's high time you left!

Sarge unloads a round, which flies above the soldiers heads.

Simmons: Still inverted, sir.

Sarge: Right.

Sarge aims his cannon at the soldiers, and fires a round, killing all of them at once.

Simmons: Woohoo! Yeah! Suck it... evil... soldier dudes!

Locus looks on the two, assessing the situation.

Locus: Huh...

Locus pulls out a gun, identical to the one found by Grif, Thea and Doc while they were on the ship, and cloaks. Meanwhile, a Warthog, mounted with a rocket launcher turret emerges from the tunnel and brakes behind three more Army soldiers, who have just decloaked.

Felix: Heavy artillery!

Tucker: What?! Where did that come from?

Washington: They must be getting in through the caves.

Thea: Well that's just perfect!

Wash and Tucker fall back towards Blue Base. Simmons and Sarge, still in the tank, fire a round at the Warthog which misses. The gunner turns, and prepares to fire the turret on the Scorpion.

Sarge: Ruh-roh.

Thea prepares to shoot when Out of nowhere, a teleportation cube lands underneath the Warthog, causing it to disappear. The soldiers standing in front of it look around in confusion, where the Warthog appears above them, causing the Warthog to fall and crush them. Grif emerges from an alcove.

Grif: Boosh! Future cubes, bitches!

Wash and Donut pop up from behind cover.

Wash: What was that?

Donut: Future cubes! The cubes of the future!

Sarge: I still think they'd be better with grenades!

Red vs blue (female OC) season 11Where stories live. Discover now