A real fixer upper

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Fade in, revealing Tucker sitting on a crate cleaning his weapon with Shawn leaning against the crate while Thea and Wash working on the comm tower.

Tucker: I'm just sayin' I feel like somebody should have found us by now.

Washington: Hm?

Tucker: You know, it's like if a plane crashes and disappears that's fine, civilians, whatever.

Washington: Not sure if I agree with you on that.

Shawn: Yeah, but we should've been rescued by now.

Thea: (Sarcastic) Maybe you can do a signal fire when a spaceship passes us?

Shawn: Haha very funny.

Tucker: Your acting weird. Did you get any sleep?

Thea: Well I just found out what my socks were used for and I'm in a bad mood right now.

Tucker: What were they used for?

Thea: Probably what you do with yours.

Tucker: I don't use my socks!

Thea stops working and looks him with a unconvinced look.

Tucker: Okay sometimes.

Shawn: Ewww, at least back at blood gulch you had a rock and now I have to worry about walking in on you.

Washington: I don't want to talk about Tuckers rock.

Tucker: But this was a freaking spaceship. That's like national tragedy level important.

Washington: It was a big ship.

Thea: Mhm.

Tucker: And what about GPS? The Galactic Positioning System should have been able to inform Command of our location within seconds of a mayday.

Wash drops his tools at that very specific thing and looks at Tucker with Thea and Shawn.

Washington: How... do you know that?

Tucker: Uh...

Tucker looks uncomfortable as he remembers.

Cut to inside the spaceship, before the crash

Tucker and a spaceship operator was at the bridge with the operator talking with Tucker bored looking at something.

Spaceship Operator: The Galactic Positioning System would be able to inform Command of our location within seconds of a mayday, so even the ship were to crash rescue would be practically immediate. Isn't it that rad?

Tucker: Cool, nerd stuff. Hey, is it just me or is that blonde over there checking me out?

Spaceship Operator: Who? The pilot?

Tucker: Yeah she's definitely checking me out.

Tucker walks over to the pilot

Spaceship Operator: Wait! You can't go over there!

Tucker puts hand on the wall and leans towards her.

Tucker: Hey baby, I hear you're a pilot. Think you could pull up on my throttle? Bow chicka bow wow.

Tucker accidentally hits a button and the Alarms and red lights go off. Cut back to the canyon

Tucker: I read it in a book?

Washington: I don't believe you. (returns to work on the comm tower) Then again, I don't really care.

Thea: Mhm. (Does the same)

Red vs blue (female OC) season 11Where stories live. Discover now