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Fade in to the canyon. The Reds and the Blues are standing in line in front of The orange soldier, in the middle of the canyon. Cut to Doc standing up in front of The soldier from fixing his foot.

Doc: There, good as new.

Felix: I can't feel my toes.

Donut: That's normal.

Felix: Is it?

Washington aims his rifle towards The soldier's face.

???: H-hey, whoa!

Washington: You need to start talking.

???: Hmm, aggressive, paranoid, and a little melodramatic—you must be Agent Washington.

Tucker: Ha! Melodramatic.

Shawn: Dude don't agree with the prisoner, it makes us less cool.

???: And that means the rest of you are the Reds and the Blues.

Caboose: Oh my God, how did he know that?!

Grif: We're wearing red and blue armor.

Caboose: But how can he tell?

Grif: (exasperated) Will somebody please fix his helmet?

Thea: later.

Washington: How do you know who we are?

???: Seriously? Come on man, everybody knows about you guys. You're heroes.

Sarge: Heroes?

Thea: The hell?

???: You're the team that brought down Project Freelancer. You're some of the galaxy's greatest soldiers.

Simmons: (looks at the others) Well, I can see how you might think that.

Sarge: Because it's absolutely true!

Doc: It's partially true.

Grif: But mainly false.

Washington: Stop giving him information. (to the soldier) What's your name?

???: Felix.

Washington: Okay, Felix, what are you doing here?

Felix: Do you want the long answer or the short one?

Washington: Do you want another bullet in your leg?

Felix: Hey, that bullet's there because of you.

Tucker: He's got a point.

Thea: Stop agreeing with him. It's getting a little weird.

Washington: (lowers gun) Just...explain what's going on.

Grif: Uh yeah, like who were those guys that were trying to kill us?

Simmons: And why haven't we been rescued yet?

Felix: Wait, where do you think you are?

Tucker: What do you mean?

Felix: I mean, do you understand where you've crashed?

Sarge: Well, we've been taking bets. Highest wager's currently on Bermuda Triangle. After that, we've got Gilligan's Island and purgatory.

Grif: So stupid.

Donut: No, just think about it. It makes perfect sense.

Thea: I still think we landed on Endor.

Felix looks at her confused.

Felix: What?

Simmons: She's a nerd.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 11Where stories live. Discover now