Can i keep it?

466 11 1

Camera shows Tucker, Shawn and Washington looking at Freckles.

Tucker: So...

Freckles turns towards Tucker

Tucker: Nevermind.

Washington: Caboose...

Freckles turns towards Wash

Washington: Tell me again, where did you find this...robot?

Caboose: His name is Freckles.

Tucker: That's a stupid name.

Freckles turns guns back at Tucker

Tucker: Stupid-cool I mean! Great name, I mean, I wish that were my name. Yeah, Freckles is the best name ever that there ever was.

Shawn: Smooth.

Washington: Technically it's a Mantis class military assault droid.

Tucker: Wait, why Mantis?

Washington: Well you see those legs? They kinda resemble the legs of a praying mantis.

Washington points at Freckles legs and their not seeing it.

Tucker: No they don't.

Washington: Then maybe it's the head shape?

Caboose: Yeah maybe its because during the act of procreation they rip off the head of their mates body and devour it. It's like an act of sexual cannibalism.

Washington: Eww...What?!

Shawn: How do you know that?!

Tucker: Eh, I've dated worse.

Shawn: Who did you date!?

Tucker: You don't want to know 50%- no, 60% of the women I dated.

Shawn: Gross.

Caboose: Yeah, I call him Freckles because of the spots on his nose.

Caboose points at Freckles 'nose' and they see his point.

Tucker: Well shit, I actually have to give it to Caboose on this one. Robot definitely looks more like a 'Freckles' than a 'Mantis'.

Washington: Fine. Where did you find... Freckles?

Caboose: Well I was walking and I was sad and I missed Church-

Tucker: This is the greatest story of our generation.

Washington: Quiet.

Shawn: Put a sock in it.

Caboose: And then I heard a noise-

Tucker: Seriously, It's like I was there.

Washington: Tucker.

Shawn: Dude.

Caboose: Yeah and then I saw the little guy under like pieces of rock and space ship and body parts, but I just moved them out of the way and then there he was and now we're best friends forever! Right Freckles?

Freckles: Affirmative, Caboose.

Tucker: Great. Boy meets dog. Dog turns out to be a military-grade killing machine from a crashed spaceship.

Shawn: I'd watch it.

Washington: Caboose... Um, you know, a pet is a lot of responsiblitlity.

Caboose: That is why I will water him and I will feed him every day.

Tucker: Water and feed? What the hell does this thing run on?!

Caboose: It runs on the power of the friendship of our love!

Red vs blue (female OC) season 11Where stories live. Discover now