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Washington: (voice over) Journal entry "one-zero-one."

Fade in to a canyon. The camera pans down to reveal a communications tower and soon other areas of the canyon.

Wash: (voice over) It's been a while since I've done one of these so, uh, let's get caught up to speed. Everything can be traced back to Project Freelancer, a military organization gone horribly wrong. The men in charge were corrupt and the soldiers who followed them were blind. ...Guess which side I was on? Eventually it was the project's own creations that tore it to pieces, and I was the one sent out to pick them up. I recovered weapons, armor, and A.I. fragments all in an effort to keep the wrong people from getting them first, but I was too slow. Everyone fought over the remnants of Project Freelancer. I didn't think I could believe in anyone anymore. But then... I met the Reds and Blues.

Camera pans over to Sarge approaching Caboose on a bridge

Sarge: Hey Caboose!

Caboose: Hello.

Caboose turns around to Sarge.

Sarge: We've got a proposition for ya.

Caboose: For me? Oh well you shouldn't have.

Wash: (voice over) They had been used by the Freelancers just like I had. They were cannon fodder in a conflict with no purpose. But more importantly...

Camera pans over to Sarge and Caboose talking to Tucker

Caboose: Tucker the Reds gave us a proposition. We should really send them some sort of thank you basket, like... fruit.

Tucker: Proposition just means a choice you idiot.

Caboose: Oh... We will take the fuzzy one.

Sarge: But you don't even know what the proposition is yet.

Caboose: Well then we don't know that it isn't fuzzy then do we?

Wash: (voice over) ...They were just stupid enough to trust. Together, we were able to put an end to everything. The Freelancers, the A.I., even The Director of the whole operation... they're all gone. And as for us, well... we're ship wrecked. Crashed during our ride home, and if we're not rescued soon. I have a feeling something else might find us first... This is Agent Washington signing- (loud explosion) Oohhh, what now?!

Wash runs over to a Tower

Washington: Thea!

Thea stands ups and looks at Wash.

Thea: Yeah?

Washington: There's something going on at your teams base, I need to you to come with me!

Thea: I thought you wanted me to work on the radio tower?

Washington: Their not my team their yours! Now come down!

Thea: Alright, aright!

Thea walks down the tower mumbling to herself.

Thea: "Thea do this, Thea do that, Thea come help me with your team" Why am I surrounded by jackass so much? Oh god I'm starting to lose it I'm sounding like Church.

Cut to Sarge in a tank, firing at Red base with Simmons Next to him.

Simmons: You missed, sir.

Sarge: Dag nabbit! Who in Sam Hill set this thing to inverted?

Simmons: Well sir, statistically most users enjoy...

Sarge: (annoyed grunting)

Simmons: Well eh err, it was probably Grif sir.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 11Where stories live. Discover now