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Sarge is seen on top of Red base with the Red team assembled below.

Sarge: Alright, boys. We don't have much time, so let's see what we've got.

Cut to Simmons.

Simmons: Ahem! Hello everyone. Private Simmons. Great to be back.

Grif: (offscreen) Wrap it up!

Simmons: Good to be back.

Grif: (offscreen) Nobody cares!

Simmons: Sigh. Alright, just shut up and listen. We had a full armory on board the ship consisting of firearms as well as explosives. I moved as many as I could down here and also took the liberty of setting up a minefield near Red base.

Cut to several unburied mines.

Grif: But you didn't even bury them.

Cut back to Simmons.

Simmons: From what I can tell, they're designed to rest above the ground.

Grif: With big red warning lights?

Simmons: Yeah, it doesn't really make sense.

Sarge: Excellent work, Simmons. Now go and organize those firearms.

Simmons: Yes, sir!

Simmons runs off.

Sarge: Grif, Doc, how are the teleportation tests going?

Doc: Well we've learned the cubes can be set to different frequencies. For example, if I throw a cube set to frequency A, it will absorb an object.

Doc throws a cube at a traffic cone.

Doc: If I then throw a second cube on frequency A, that object will reappear.

Doc throws another cube and the cone returns.

Grif: Meanwhile, if I have a cube set to B, I can throw it like so.

Grif throws a cube at a nearby crate.

Doc: Yeah- (gets caught in the cube) Hey wait!

The crate and Doc disappear.

Grif: I can then throw a second cube set to B, without ever messing with the stuff sucked up by the cube set to A.

Grif throws another cube. The crate reappears but there's no sign of Doc.

Sarge: So all they do is teleport things? No explosions? No violence?

Grif: Nah.

Sarge: Well I suppose we could make them absorb grenades. Then we could throw the grenade filled cubes back at the enemy.

Grif: At that point wouldn't it make more sense to just throw grenades?

Sarge: We're not here to make sense, Private! We're here to win! Now take Donut and figure out how to make your stupid cubes do somethin' useful.

Grif: Sigh. Fine.

Grif and Donut leave.

Sarge: And at last we have the Lopezes. Stop standin' next to each other! I can never tell you two apart!

Lopez 2.0 looks at Lopez's head and then at Sarge.

Lopez 2.0: ¿Está jodidamente serio?[Are you freaking serious?]

Sarge: I need you two to get to work repairing CC's fuel tanks.

Lopez: ¿Reparar el robot descompuesto?[Repair the malfunctioning robot?]

Red vs blue (female OC) season 11Where stories live. Discover now