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"I had no idea you were so into bunnies" Jungkook said to Taehyung, who was busy kissing his face. He hated to interrupt him, but he didn't want things to get too intense.

Not yet.

"If the talked bunny has your body, you betcha" the older said. He couldn't deny Jungkook's body did things to him. And that was before he actually got to do things to him.

"Jungkooki?" Taehyung said quietly

"Tae-Tae?" The younger responded

"Ihaveneverhadakissbeforetoday" he mumbled quickly

"What the hell was that?" Jungkook said, confused.


"Wow. You can definitely be heard when you want to. I'll keep that in mind" he smirked

"You should" Taehyung replayed as he turned red. It started to be his natural colour when it came to Jungkook.

"But seriously, you don't understand how happy I am that you chose me. And I hope I can be the one you choose to have a lot of other firsts with" Jungkook added, looking into the elder's eyes

"You're cuter than I thought" Taehyung said, blushing

"And by the way, you didn't make an impression of a guy without experience" Jungkook added, smiling at the guy who looked very comfortable on his lap.

"Now, as much as I remembered, I made a promise to cuddle some adorable creature, and that is a promise I would like to keep" the younger said, putting Taehyung for a second on the sofa so he can get up, which the elder didn't like at all. But that changed after Jungkook took him in his hands, bridal style, towards Taehyung's bedroom.

Jungkook had put Tae on the bed, and then he laid next to him, and spooned him from the back. After what happened today Jungkook wasn't going to let Taehyung be the big one, even if Jungkook really wanted him to be.

Before leaving to dream land, Taehyung whispered to the younger "I am so happy that you are my roommate"

"Me too sis" was the answer.

The next morning Jungkook woke up with Taehyung in his arms. And it could have been perfect, if someone wasn't ringing the bell like his life, which was now in danger, were depending on it.

Jungkook got up carefully, trying not to wake Taehyung up, though it didn't seem like a problem. The elder was sleeping like a baby. And he looked so beautiful like that, peaceful.

He couldn't resist the urge to kiss Taehyung's nose before going to kill whoever was interpreting his perfect morning.

He opened the door, and before he could see who the hell was there, someone started to feel him up.

"Hmmm. Good muscles. Very nice face. Pretty handsome. A bit emo, but nothing I can't fix." The person smiled at him "I bet Tae loves you"

"I'm sorry to interrupt your study, but who the hell are you and why are you at my door?" Jungkook asked, pissed.

The person, who was a male, about his age with a big but undeniably cute eye smile nodded his head in disappointment.

"You don't know who I am? But Tae is my biggest fan, he talks about me all the time"

"Talks about how much he wants to kill you maybe" a voice said from behind of Jungkook's back

"Tae-Tae!" The small demon said "You must be really excited to see me if you're up so early" he smirked.

"Maybe I'm up because some hyung felt crazy and decided to wake me up by making my bell ring nonstop" Taehyung said, also looking like he wanted to kill the man at their door.

"Wait" Jungkook said, not believing what he just heard "you are older than me right?" He asked Taehyung

"Yes, two years" Taehyung answered

"Then how is it possible that this munchkin is your hyung?!" He asked, shocked.

Taehyung laughed so hard that tears got out of his eyes. The elder on the other hand didn't like that comment very much

"Ha ha, very funny" he said, not smiling all of the sudden. "Anyways, you invited us to meet your new roommate today, so here I am" he added

"Yes, I did invite you. To movie night. I did not expect that you would show up at nine am" Taehyung answered as Jungkook looked at him with a questioning face

"Movie night, breakfast, it's all the same" the older said as he walked in.

"By the way handsome, my name is Jimin" he said, reaching his hand to shake Jungkook's.

"Thank you. I'm Jungkook" the younger said, smiling. Even though Jimin really pissed him off that morning, he couldn't help but feel fondness towards him.

"You guys, I would love to chat a bit more, but I need to go to the bathroom so, don't leave me!" He said as he ran to the other room.

"Well, that is Jimin. If you ever find condoms that are not yours in your room, they're his"

"Oh, that explains what I found yesterday in the closet" Jungkook chuckled, making Taehyung laugh. Jungkook just loved to hear that sound. And knowing he made the older happy was more the enough.

"Kooki, is it okay if my friends come over tonight? I really want them to meet you" Taehyung asked him.

"A little bit too late for that don't you think?" He said as Jimin returned

"Too late for what? Birth control?" The oldest asked

"Do you and Youngi have some news hyung?" Taehyung smirked. With those two who knows what will happen.

"Tae! There's a baby in the room!" Jimin said, looking at Jungkook. He never forgets when someone laughs at his height.

"This baby knows more than you think" Jungkook smirked. "And who's Youngi?"

"He is my savior, who happens to be Jimin's boyfriend" Taehyung answered, making Jimin's face frown.

"You just say that because you're jealous. You loved having me as a roommate" he defended himself.

"Do take this personally, I prefer Jungkook way more" Taehyung said, causing the younger one to smile.

"Well Jimin, if you're already here, you can get the place ready while I'll show Jungkook the campus" Taehyung said, as he took Jungkook's hand and walked him out of the apartment

"But" Jimin started to protest

"Save your butt for your boyfriend" Taehyung said as he closed the door.

"And who do you save your butt for?" Jungkook asked him as they walked out of the building

"I can ask you the same question".

They're so cute together I can't 😪

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They're so cute together I can't 😪.

(Credit: https://pin.it/5G0rH2Q)

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