10 3 62

Jungkook woke up hungry.

Really hungry.

Bit that didn't matter because he was hungry next to-

Well he thought he was hungry next to Taehyung, but as he turned around, he saw the bed was empty.

He got up, still a bit off, and walked to the kitchen, which was filled with the smell of pancakes, but no Tae.

Then he noticed a heart on the refrigerator, and as he grabbed one of the pancakes on the table he took it off and read it

"Hi baby boy <3

Had to go to class, but I made you breakfast.
Don't get to full though, I got something for you later ;)

Love, your boyfriend♡"

That Tae.
He knew just how to make both him and mini him excited in the right amount.

Just when he was about to get ready for his class, there was a knock on the door.

Maybe it's Tae with his surprise

He walked to the door, and opened it with a smile that immediately disappeared.

Infront of him was a tall women, with dark hair as a raven and darker eyes. Her face, perfect, had a weird look. She wore simple clothes, but something about her said she was definitely not simple.

"Hey love"

Taehyung opened his eyes to witness the most beautiful thing there is. His sleeping bunny. Only there was one thing that was, well, a literal  pain in his ass.

But, he couldn't care less. Last night was beyond any fantasy he was able to dream of. And he couldn't be more thankful.

A sad feeling filled him when he realized he needed to go to school, but not before he can spoil his boyfriend.

So he made pancakes, and left Jungkook a note before he went out of the apartment, running into a cute and loud mess.

"TAE TAE" the shorter man yelled at shocked Taehyung "I KNEW IT!"

"Knew what?" The younger asked confused, but already used to Jimin's odd behaviour.

"You're no longer a virgin aren't you?" Jimin asked with a smirk

"The fuc-" Taehyung lost his words. He did not expect that. Even for the older, it was too much. "Dude how in god's name you know that?"

"So I was right!" Jimin celebrated with a weird dance "Tae's not a virgin!"

"Lower your voice dummy!" Taehyung stopped the older "not all my neighbours need to know that" he said as Jimin rolled his eyes at him "and you still haven't told me how you figured that out"

"A magician never tells his secret" Jimin smirked at him, as they started to walk out of the building.

"Well in our case the magician is more of a stalker" Taehyung commented. He didn't have that big of a virgin vibe did he?

As they got closer to school, Taehyung decided he didn't care if he did. Jungkook definitely made any remain of that disappear.

During his classes he wasn't really focused, not that it bothered him. He had better stuff to think off.

There was only one thing that could be on his mind right now, and that was Jungkook.

As he wondered how could the bunny's lips were so kissable, his professor came to him

"Kim Taehyung right?" The women asked

"Y..yes" he responded, thinking he may have gotten into trouble

"I just wondered if you'd like to come to an open night I'm organising at the university's bar Friday night. It's going to be in an art theme and your voice is not something you run into in a daily basis" she gave him a friendly smile

"Oh... You want me? To sing?"

This was the first time someone asked Taehyung to preform and he wasn't sure how to act

"No I want you to make drinks by singing the recipe" she laughed "yes, I want you to sing".

"Well as long as I'm not responsible for any glass that breaks, count me in!" He said, kind of excited. This would be the ford time for him to preform Infront of an audience.

"Wonderful! See you at ten!" She said and left him alone in the classroom

Apparently the lesson was over for twenty minutes.

But what can he say, love redefines time.

He was practically running home, wanting to see his bunny as fast as he could.

As he walked up the stairs, a strange feeling hit him in the stomach, but it probably was nothing

He knocked on the door, and as it opened he said "Kooki guess wha-" he stopped as he noticed that it wasn't his Kooki in the door.

It was a beautiful woman, wearing Jungkook's clothes, which he recognised as the ones he wore once, with her hair dripping water.

"Can I help you?" She smiled to him "you want Jungkook?" She asked. "I'll call him" she said a Taehyung couldn't seem to remember how to use hie tongue

"Hey love, there's someone at the door for you"



What was that?

Sorry for the short chapter, but don't worry, the next one will be something ;)

Hope you liked it ♡♡♡♡

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