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"Well then. Why don't you paint me?"

Did Jungkook just imagine that?

Did Taehyung just offered him to paint his body?

Could this be happening?

"If you don't want to I completely understand" Taehyung suddenly said, losing the confidence he had a moment ago. What was he thinking? That the younger would want to paint him

"No no no" Jungkook rushed to answer "God Tae, I'd love that" he said checking the older out. "Fuck I'd more then love to"

The other blushed and tried to hid in his sweater. The way Jungkook looked at him at that moment. He could get used to this.

"What..." He mumbled "what do you need to paint?"

"Well, right now we're focusing on the face" the younger answered "even though it's quite hard, it is the base to a good portrait". The face. It was the key. It was the story the artist wanted to tell. The rest was just to add to that. And god help him Jungkook had a story to tell with Taehyung's face.

"Oh, then maybe go on Jin?" Taehyung suggested "he has such a beautiful face"

"As much as Jin's face is handsome, he has no chance in my eyes over you" he said to the shy man Infront of him. His heart melted seeing him like that

Taehyung just ran to him and buried his face in Jungkook's shirt, who immediately wrapped his hands around the younger

"Stop that! I can't with you!" He scolded the other, who laughed at how cute the elder was.

"Well that's a problem, because I'm definitely not done with you boyfriend"

Hearing Jungkook calling him like that gave him a weird feeling in his stomach. It's been less then twenty four hours since that happened, and yet it felt like eternity. In the best way it could.

Taehyung looked up to the gorgeous man who held him.

"Kook, I need to tell you something"

"Wait" Jungkook placed his hand in Taehyung's lips, those he wanted to kiss.

"This morning, waking up next to you, kissing you, seeing you, the real you, I, I have never felt like that with anyone else Tae. I need you to know, you are so special to me, so important. I promise I'll make sure you remember that".

"Kook...I...." Taehyung just didn't have the words. How was he so lucky?

"It's okay" Jungkook smiled. "Whatever you wanted to say can wait, wanna watch a movie?" He asked, and Taehyung nodded.

They went to  the couch, and this time Jungkook was the one lying on the other, who's hands were traveling through the younger's hair.

As the movie went on, Taehyung felt Jungkook's body relaxed, and at some point he noticed the young boy fell asleep. 

As he watched the calm face Jungkook had, he finally got it.

He was falling for this boy.

How could he let Jungkook get in? How did this happen?

The older felt scared. This has never happened before, and if it were any other person he would probably have ran off a while ago. But it wasn't. It was Jungkook. His boyfriend.

"I think that I might be falling for you my bunny" he mumbled to the sleeping boy in his lap.

Suddenly, Jungkook's breath stopped. And the worried older was amazed to see the younger getting up and looking into his eyes.

"Oh my god you were not supposed to hear that" panicked Taehyung said "it's more then okay if you don't feel the same I get it I mean how could you-" he was interrupted by Jungkook's lips.

The younger kissed him passionately, deeply, he gave him all he had. "I feel the same Tae" he smiled at the shocked man next to him.

"You..." Taehyung was finally able to talk "you do?"

"Of course I do you dumb cutie" Jungkook said, caressing Taehyung's cheek "I don't understand someone who wouldn't be."

Taehyung loved how Jungkook made him feel important, desired. He never felt that way before, and it was more than enough for him.

He closed the space between them, kissing the young one with emotion, with what could become love.

And Jungkook's body responded automatically. He kissed Taehyung back, pulling him close with his hands, which were holding the others face.

The elder's hands weren't that innocent. They went down to Jungkook's torso, gently stroking the strong abs the younger had. Taehyung could come off just by the sight of those.

The younger seemed to be sensitive to the touch, as he moaned into Taehyung's mouth, making the elder loss a bit of him control. It seemed to be a specialty of Jungkook.

"Damn you can't just do that Tae" Jungkook grind at the older, pulling away "you're actions has consequence you know?"

"Yours have as well" Taehyung giggled "you think that moan had no affect?"

"Can..." Jungkook got shy "can we take care of that?" He asked the older. He knew Taehyung had a though time being intimate with him, and he didn't have a problem waiting, how could he? It was Taehyung's body and he had every right to control what will happen. But god help him he wanted to be with the man so much.

"Do you want to?" Taehyung seemed surprised by the question

"Come on Tae" Jungkook sighed how couldn't I? Have you seen yourself?" He said, and when he saw the face the elder gave him he continued "and don't look at me like that. You're beautiful. So beautiful. And damnit you're so hot. The minute I saw you I wanted to make you mine."

Jungkook definitely had his way with his words.

"You promise" Taehyung said quietly "you promise you will be patient, and that you won't laugh at me?"

"Tae!" Jungkook was amazed by the question "I will never" he said as seriously as he could "you can have as long as you want from my time and I wouldn't blink. I'm yours Tae. Fully, blindly yours."

Taehyung gave Jungkook a kiss and then said "then I think I'm ready."


I think they're ready to take things to the next level don't you? ;)

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