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Jungkook woke up because he couldn't breathe. Something was dropping the air to get into his body.

He opened his eyes and saw a bunch of brown hair shoved in his face.

His boyfriend's hair.

He had a few in the past, during his teen years, but non of them got close to Taehyung's ankles. He was the most different and special person he met.

So waking up like that, with this beautiful creature in his arms, was beyond his dreams.

That's why when the hair suddenly moved he was so shocked his heart stopped, as the gorgeous eyes of Kim Taehyung locked on his.

It was real.

A shy smile appeared on the sleepy face looking at the amazed bunny.

"Good morning" his husky morning voice said in a cute yet so hot way.

"It's way more then 'good'" Jungkook smiled widely at him. Calling a morning waking up next to Taehyung good was like saying Jimin had a mild crush on Youngi.

Taehyung chuckled shyly, burying his face in Jungkook's chest.

But suddenly he moved his face, which was now facing the wall, and a serious look on his face.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook wondered, smiling at the odd behaviour

"I'm trying to listen to your heart beat. To make sure you're really here and I'm not imaging, because stuff have happened before" he said and moved his ear a bit to the side.

Jungkook lifted his face from his chest and brought it by the chin so they were now facing each other

"Should I be worried some fantasy of yours will replace me?" He asked, raising one eyebrow, making the other grin.

"Well if you don't want that to happen you'll have to work for your place" he said with a smirk to the younger's smile

"Oh be sure I'll work hard" Jungkook said, as he pulled Taehyung into a kiss.

He didn't care about morning breath, he didn't care about how puffy his face may be, all he cared about was Taehyungs lips against his.

The older was waiting for that, returning a kiss before Jungkook could even notice, something that made the younger even happier.  He felt like he might actually explode.

Their lips moved slowly, not rushing anywhere. Getting to know each other better. They had this perfect harmony, Jungkook couldn't explain. They were just completing one another.

But just as Taehyung started getting more intense, and more dominant, Jungkook pulled away

"Not used to being under a man kook?" Taehyung teased

"No not really" Jungkook said, as he used Taehyungs weight to turn them around, so that he was now on top of the giggling elder

"But seriously" Jungkook said with no smile on his face, and with a low gentle tone. "What happened last night? You worried me. Why did you react like that?"

Taehyungs eyes suddenly refused to look at him. Just like in the night before.

Seeing the older like that burned Jungkook on the inside. Seeing how hurt he was, the sadness in his eyes, hearing all the stupid stuff about being to much. There was something dark in that gaze. Something that burdened Taehyungs soul. 

"It... It was nothing, I promise. It's okay now" he gave him a weak smile, still refusing to look into his eyes.

"Tae, it wasn't. Anyone could tell that. You're going through something. The things you said, the tears in your eyes, and I beg you, please, tell me" Jungkook said with a sad look. He hated being so useless.

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