11 3 15

Taehyung's feet were very cold.
Not only his feet, but his entire body. Where for god's sake was his blanket

"Tae-Tae, wake up, it's six in the morning" a familiar voice said


Did the voice just said six in the morning?!

Taehyung set up in his bed and opened his eyes 
On the edge of the bed, holding his blanket was sitting Jungkook in a sports clothing.

"Did you just say six?" He asked with a rough voice

"Oh now I see why you're a singer. Even in the morning you sound good" Jungkook laughed

"Did you just say six in the morning?!" Taehyung repeated his question

"Calm down" the younger said "I did say six in the morning"

"Why the hell did you wake me up in six in the morning?!" Taehyung wondered

"Oh you see, I didn't. It's about half past seven. I just said it's six cause I knew it'd wake you up"  Jungkook giggled at Taehyung's supprisd  face.
"Come on, as much as I'd like to stay in bed with you all day we do have classes in an hour"

"Right Right" Taehyung said, and got up to brush his teeth.

Two minutes later, he walked to the kitchen where Jungkook was making them breakfast



"Why are you wearing sport clothes?"

"Well that's because I haven't changed them yet dear" Jungkook answered and continued  to scramble their eggs

"Yes, of course" Taehyung said, and walked to his room to change his clothes.

Another minute past and Taehyung returned to the kitchen, shirtless "but, why did you have to change from them?"

Jungkook laughed "you're really not a morning person are you?"

"That doesn't not even starts to describe it" Taehyung signed.

"Well, I went for a morning jog" the younger said as he arranged the plates on the table "it helps me came down when I'm nervous you know?"

"Yes, more then you think." Not once Taehyung did exercise to make his problems go away. When he felt ugly, when he thought he ate to much, and when he just couldn't stand being another moment just with his thoughts. He'd put on his earphones and literally run away from them.

"It's just this first day stuff, it's been a long way here and there's a lot depending on this..." Jungkook admitted. He was actually not expecting this, he usually didn't bring up his stress to others. But Taehyung just wasn't others.

"I get it. On my first day I just felt like I'm in the wrong place. Everyone were so talented and so much better than what I was used to. It's the change from a hobby, to something professional. But, you learn how to work your way with it. And besides, I saw your work. You're a thousand times better than what I was when I got here, and look at me now." Taehyung  gave him a reassuring smile, "and for any tiny problem, I'm here".

Jungkook had no idea that was what Taehyung thought about him. He didn't know the older saw his work, and not only he saw it, he liked it? That made a unfamiliar warm feeling spread in his stomach. And he didn't know why, but he knew that when Taehyung said he's here, he really ment it.

"Now Kooki, we should leave, before we're late to meet the boys. They begged to see you on your first day" Taehyung said with a smirk. He loved how the youngest was already a part of their group

"They did?" Jungkook said with a big Bunny smile

"They did."

They arrived to the campus after about twenty minutes, walking hand in hand the whole way there.

"All the arts learn in the same building, so when you're done with classes, just text me where you are and I'll pick you up" Taehyung explained to the younger

"Think it's to late for that" Jungkook smiled "Jiminaaaa" he suddenly yelled and ran to a small man that was basically jumping his way to them.

"Kookiiiiiiiiii" the older man said and jumped even faster. And here Taehyung was thinking that Jungkook was the bunny. But the smile on his face was just to big. He loved how close Kooki was with Jimin. Because Jimin was truly like a brother to him.

The two way to energetic boys hugged until Taehyung reached them

"Where's Youngi?" He asked as he too hugged the little guy

"Where do you think? Sleeping" Jimin said and rolled his eyes

"But we have a class in five minutes" Taehyung complained. The third year was known as a hard one when it came to music studys, and he really needed his friend.

"And I'm willing to bet you he'll be there on time. His pillow has magic powers I swear" Jimin laughed. Though he was true, Youngi really was beyond logic sometimes.

"Where are Jin? And Namjoon? And Hoseok?" Jungkook asked. He genuinely cared about them, and it made Taehyung's heart smile.

"Oh well they start later, only the arts start at this hour" Jimin explained him

"Hoseok isn't learning dance? Like you?" Jungkook wondered

"No his actually learning medicine" Taehyung explained "God bless his heart".

"Taking about my major, I should run to class, before I'm late. Come to Jin's place after you're done!" He yelled as he started running towards the studios.

The couple walked up the stairs, hand on hand, until they reached the arts department.

"Well. We're here" Taehyung said to Jungkook, who tightened his grip of the older's hand.

"I can see that" he said, and even though he tried to sound calm, Taehyung heard the stress in his voice.

"It will be okay. I promise." He said and gave the cold hand he was holding a kiss.

"But, what if it won't?" Jungkook asked

"I thought we agreed the only buts here in yours and mine. So no excuse. I know you'll do just fine. No, more than fine!" Taehyung gave him a warm smile. "I'll wait for you right here after class"

Jungkook gave him the best nervous smile he could, and walked into the other room.

Taehyung sighed, now was his turn. Hopefully, Youngi's magic pillow could also help him get good grades.


Omg first day in university! I'm excited for them lol.

If you're reading this, it means you actually read my story, and I can't tell you how happy it makes me.

Let's see, maybe even next chapter they'll talk about labels. Who knows? ;-)

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