Chapter Seven

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"... Circles before the sound of a gong releases us. Step off before the minute is up, and land mines blow your legs off. Sixty seconds to take in the ring of tributes-" the comforting, familiar voice is cut off by the sound of footsteps. I hear the sound of a book slam shut. Then a tired and familiar voice. I have heard this voice before. "Who are you?"

"Lucas, Bella's... uh, sorry, are you her mother?"

"Yes. How come I haven't seen you before? Are you... reading to her?"

"It's her favourite book. I just thought... maybe it would help..."

"Oh... that's sweet of you. Have you been here a while? It's getting late, you should be running home now."

"Right. Of course. Thank you, Ms..."

"Carson. But you can call me Jen. And Lucas?"


"Thank you. It's nice to know she has many people who care about her."

Footsteps retreating, fading. The tired voice sits down.

"Oh, Bella. How much I've missed. I've been so ignorant, I'm so sorry. If... no, when you wake up, I'll be a much better mother. I promise. Please, just give me that chance..."

I slip back into unconsciousness.

"Tell me everything!" Jess squealed as she ran up to join me and Emily stretching before rehearsal the next day. I had texted them that Luke had asked me on a date on the bus going home after JJ's, but I hadn't talked to them all day yesterday.

"About time!" Emily said to Jess. "She refused to tell me anything until you got here!"

I laughed and looked up at the benches at the side of the room, where Luke has just dropped his water bottle. He waved to me, then started advancing to us.

"Later," I hissed to my girlfriends. I then smiled up at Luke. "Hey!"

Miss Eliza floated in, clapping her hands.

"Okay Troupe One, I hope you are all warmed up. We are going to go straight in with the duets. Jess and Josh, you're up first.

We all backed up to the mirrors so that Jess and Josh could take the whole floor. Their duet went well – they came up with a really good blend of ballet and breakdancing. You could tell they worked well together, and the duet was very fun. Emily and Noah's duet was good as well, setting the bar high for the rest of us. I still thought Luke and I could beat them, though.

Everything went smoothly until Seb and Rosanne's duet. It was technically perfect, but there was obvious tension and they didn't look like they were having a good time. Rosanne had a shining smile the whole time, determined to keep a mask on to seem professional, but it was clearly forced. Seb couldn't help rolling his eyes at multiple points throughout the dance. The dance was polished, but it wasn't hugely interesting.

"Great, thanks you two," Miss Eliza said as we applauded. "Finally, we have Lucas and Bella!"

Luke and I got up and took our positions. The dance went great – we had no slip-ups, and I felt lighter than air dancing with him. We finished with my back to his chest, our arms and eyes stretching up at the roof. The music ended, and I turned around and hugged him. I could tell he wanted to kiss me, which made me dizzy, but we both knew it would seem unprofessional.

"Well done, everyone! I'm going to consider this decision for a little while, and I will let you know soon. Bella, can you lead the group through the dance?"

I nodded, and Miss Eliza went back to her office. Miss Eliza had named me as Dance Captain for Troupe One, which meant I sometimes lead rehearsal when Miss Eliza was busy and I had some input with her, on behalf of the team.

"Okay everyone, positions," I called. "Uh... Rosanne, just stay in the back for now while we decide what you're going to do."

I couldn't help but hear the loud huff Rosanne blew out. I knew she was better than the back row, but because she didn't fully know the dance yet so I decided to keep her there and not make an executive decision without Miss Eliza there.

"Okay, we will go through with the music first and then I'll go over anything that I think needs improving." I pressed play on the music, and we started dancing.

After rehearsal, my friends and I were sitting on the couches in JJ's, sipping juice. Seb was so mad that I hadn't told him about my date with Luke, but he quickly got over it when I told him how much fun we had. I didn't tell them the full details, like the chat Luke and I had towards the end of the night, but just enough to get them off my back.

"I'M SO EXCITED, BELLA!" Emily exclaimed. People turned around from their seats to stare at us. Sometimes Emily's energy was a bit overwhelming. I shushed her, laughing, as Rosanne walked in and strutted up to us.

"Hey, girls!" she said, smiling widely.

Seb cleared his throat.

Rosanne shot him an icy glare. "Well done on our duet today, Sebastian. I had so much fun working with you." Rosanne turned to me.

"So, what are you up to?"

"Just relaxing," I replied. "Would you like to join us?"

Seb was glowering at me, but I didn't look at him.

"No. I just came to say hi." Rosanne walked away.

I sighed at Seb's face.

"She came to mess with us, Bella."

"Seb, you're overreacting. I have only heard nice words from Rosanne. Mostly," I said.

"Where's Luke now?" asked Jess, attempting to change the subject.

"He had to go home," I replied. Luke had congratulated me on our duet after rehearsal, but he had wanted to dash home to spend some time with his family. He had a rare slot when his parents were both home from work for dinner, so he wanted to make the most of it.

My phone dinged. It was a text from Luke!

I've got a lasagne in the oven, Mum's getting home any minute now. I can't wait to take you on our next date! How does tomorrow afternoon sound? L :)

I smiled at the screen. Sounds great, I replied. Your parents will love your food! Good luck xx

"Who are you texting that's making you so happy?" Seb attempted to look at my phone screen, but I shoved it away before he could see. Private messages, Seb!

"None of your business!"

He rolled his eyes. Seriously, that guy had a problem.

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