Chapter Ten

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"Hey, it's Emily. Jess and I brought your favourite chocolates, the Lindor ones? When you wake up, you can have them. Please wake up, Bella."

"It's no use, Em. She can't hear us."

"You don't know that! Don't say that!"

"She's been here for three weeks now, and there haven't been any signs of her waking up."

"And the doctor said that it can take anytime from hours to months. She said, Jess!"

"Shh. I know, I know. I'm just saying... No, I'm sorry. Bella, we miss you. But we'll wait, as long as it takes. We'll be here when you wake up."

"Luke's waiting too. He really misses you. I mean, we all do of course, but he's taking it hard. He needs you. And you need him. Come back!"

"Okay Em, enough about Luke. I'm sure she knows he misses her. He's been in here himself, you know."

"This is supposed to be the most romantic love story to ever be! But it's taking too long. She needs to wake up, now."

I want to wake up, I do. It's peaceful down here, but it's making everyone else upset. But I don't know how to wake up. To come back to them.

Luke and I stepped outside into the icy air. I sighed. "I shouldn't have done that. It's just been a stressful day. I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay. I understand. I just... wanted to make sure you knew... Well, Rosanne was talking to me earlier today, as you saw. She was trying to flirt with me and stuff. I told her I was with you, but she wouldn't give it up, not until you arrived."

I frowned. Was I supposed to be jealous? I knew Luke didn't like her like that, he made it quite clear. I just wasn't sure Rosanne did. Maybe she wasn't as trustworthy as I thought. If she didn't stop when Luke asked her to, would she ever?

"Thanks for telling me, Luke. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit confused when I saw her... talking to you. But I know you. I just don't know her."

"Okay. Well, I also thought you should know... I kind of called you my girlfriend."

I stopped, surprised. We hadn't had that conversation yet, the boyfriend/girlfriend chat. But I did want Luke to be my boyfriend, of course I did. I realised I hadn't said anything.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I know we haven't had that conversation and... I shouldn't have done that, I-" I interrupted him by meeting my lips to his. After a few seconds, I pulled away.

"Are you kidding? Of course I want to be your girlfriend!"

"Oh, thank goodness. Thanks Bella"

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. I could feel his heartbeat, and his curls tickled my lashes. I could stay this way forever and be happy. But of course we had to be interrupted by the loud noise of the bus chugging along. I groaned and gently untangled myself from his arms. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'll call you later, okay"

I nodded and reluctantly flagged the bus down.

"Bella, we never see you anymore! Luke takes up all your free time now!" I chuckled as Jess grumbled on the other end of the phone. My phone had begun ringing as soon as I had stepped in the front door of the house. Somehow I had managed to get to my room undetected from the rest of my family. I let my hair out as I was speaking.

"Yeah, speaking of that..."


"I'm kind of... officially his girlfriend."

I quickly moved the speaker away from my ear, but even that couldn't quieten Jess's scream.

"Jess, calm down."

"You think I'm loud, wait until Emily hears about this! Oh wait! What will Rosanne think? I saw the way she was around Luke today. I don't think she's going to care."

"I know. She definitely lost some of my trust today."

"As she should. I know you encouraged us to give her doubt, but you know I was always wary. It's not okay to go after another girl's man. I can't believe you moved her to the front of the dance."

"Jess, her personal actions shouldn't have anything to do with her dancing."

"This is why you're such a good dance captain, Bella. You really deserve it."

I smiled, but then heard a scream come from downstairs. It seemed the children were upset again. I sighed. "I have to, Jess. Family stuff."

"Bella... are you okay? If this is too much for you..."

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about me, I'll be okay. Have a good evening, Jess."

"Wait-" But I had already ended the call and was running downstairs.

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