Six Months Later

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I clap my hands. "Great rehearsal, everyone. See you all tomorrow!"

Breathless and sweaty, I walk with the others to our bags. People chat and drink water, and I think about how lucky I am to be back as dance captain, back at my favourite place in the world.

The whole of Troupe One runs, jumps, and spins down the stairs and across the road to JJ's Juice Junction. With all of us there, at least half of the café has been taken over by dancers. I flop down beside Luke on our couch, Jess and Emily and Seb across from us... as well as Benny and Noah.

After I had come back to the studio, I noticed Jess talking to Benny a lot. She was always laughing when she was around him, and they constantly stared at each other from across the room. It was cute, until it became annoying. I persuaded Jess to ask him out, and they have been together ever since.

I spot Seb and Noah holding hands and exchange a knowing look with Luke. A few weeks ago, I noticed them exchanging glances with each other, and after grilling Seb for an hour, I found out they had kissed after rehearsal one day.

"I didn't even know he was into guys!" Seb had exclaimed excitedly. They weren't official yet, but I knew it would happen soon.

I order a raspberry and lemon juice, and relax into the couch when it arrives. Hanging out with my friends, leaning up against the boy I love... it's like my fall never happened. I'm happier now than I've ever been. My bond with my family has strengthened even more, I'm doing well in my classes at school, and I've finally accepted my relationship with my father for how it is. He has called me a couple of times, but our conversations were awkward and short. He's still living with his assistant, and I think our family is better off without him.

Rosanne hasn't been back, hasn't tried to contact us, and I'm glad. I might be able to forgive her, in time, but I just can't forget that she did almost kill me.

But for now, I am happy. Surrounded by my favourite people, not having to worry about what time I need to be home, in love, and feeling alive. Things are good. And I have been searching for good for a long time.

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