Chapter Sixteen

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"Your dad?" Alex asked, "I thought he left, what is he doing back here?" Luca shrugged his shoulders and ran his hands through his hair. 

"I just know that he won't be staying long if I have a say in it,"Luca said while walking back into the building and going to Mariah's room. 

"Lukey,"Mariah said softly. Luca walked over to Mariah and he kissed her cheek. "Hi baby sis,"Luca smiled. Mariah smiled. "Will I be okay?" Mariah asked. Luca sighed and looked at his little sister. 

"I don't know, baby,"Luca said, "But I can promise that I'll be here." Mariah nodded and grabbed his hand. She held his finger and smiled at him.

 Luca sniffled and kissed her head. "I love you, Riah,"Luca said. "I love you too, Lukey,"Mariah said. Luca stood up and left the room. "Luca," His dad said. "I have nothing to say to you,"Luca said. His dad grabbed his arm and turned him to face him. 

"Lucas, look at me," His dad said. Luca looked at his mom. "You don't get to call me that,"Luca said. "You're my son and I'm your father,"His dad. "You are not my father!" Luca yelled loudly. 

Every nurse, patient, and visitor stopped and looked. "Lucas, you're causing a scene,"His dad said. "I don't give a damn!" Luca yelled. Max, Alex, and Kate watched from a far and so did his mom. 

"You're not my goddamn father!" Luca yelled, "Your fatherhood died when you left! You don't get to explain shit to me! I am not your son and you sure as hell are not my father! Don't come near me, or my mom, or my sister, because if you do, I will handle you! Just go to hell!" 

"Hey!" Max yelled while running in between Luca and his dad, "Look at me! Right now!" Luca looked at Max. "Walk away, right now before you regret your decision,"Max said. 

Luca shook his head. "I won't regret anything,"Luca said. Max ran his hands through Luca's hair and looked in his eyes. 

"Look at me baby,"Max said softly, "Please. Just look directly at me, don't worry about anything else except for me. I'm begging you baby." "Did he just call you baby?" His dad asked. 

Max turned and looked at Luca's dad. "I'm his boyfriend,"Max smiled, "And seeing as you're nothing to him, you have no say in who he dates. So please, do us all a favor and leave." His dad scoffed and looked at Luca. 

"You're going to let this thing talk for you?" His dad asked. Luca looked at his dad. "His name is Max,"Luca corrected, "And you should go, before I do something I won't regret." 

His dad smiled. "You're a horrible kid,"His dad said, "And I wish I never laid down with your mother, she's probably got more men in her pocket than she does when taking care of her faggot son and her dumbfounded daughter." 

Luca punched his dad three times. "Keep our names out of your mouth!" Luca yelled, "Now get the hell out of here!" His dad left and Luca fell back onto Max's chest. "I'm here, baby,"Max whispered in Luca's ear while holding him by his waist, "It's okay." 

Luca relaxed in Max's grip and saw his mom walking over. Before Luca could say anything, his mom took them both into a hug. 

"I love you both so much,"Ms. Williams said. "I love you too, mom,"Luca said. "I love you too, Ms. Williams,"Max said. 

After everything calmed down, Luca and Max were sitting on the couch across from Mariah's bed, cuddling. 

"She's so adorable when she sleeps,"Max smiled. Luca giggled. "I love her,"Luca said. "She loves you too, babe,"Max said, "But I love you more." 

Luca smiled and looked up at Max. "I love you most,"Luca smiled. Max kissed Luca and Luca kissed back. 

"Goodnight,"Max said. Luca sighed and relaxed into Max's arms. "Goodnight, baby,"Luca said. 

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