Chapter Twenty-Two

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Luca was sitting by Max's bed, waiting for him to wake up. Max had been beaten in his sleep, almost to death. "Who did this to him?" Luca asked.  

"We don't know,"Kate said. Luca stood up and walked out into the hallway. Alex followed him. 

"Where are you going?" Alex asked. . "I'm going to find out who did this,"Luca said. Alex grabbed Luca's arm. "You're not going to do anything like that,"Alex said, "Not if I stop you." Luca smiled. "Alex, do you know who did that to him?" Luca asked. 

Alex nodded. "I stopped by his house after you left and I knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so I walked inside and saw a blood trail that led to the front door. I didn't know who it was until I saw Max laying on the floor with blood running from everywhere. I didn't see who it was, but I know who." 

"Who was it?" Luca asked. "He left a note behind and signed his name on it,"Alex said. "What's his name?" Luca asked. "Justin Lee,"Alex said. "Tell Kate to stay here and update me on him if he wakes up,"Luca said. 

"Where are you going?" Alex asked again. "Going to find Justin Lee,"Luca said. "Luca, that's not what he would want,"Alex said. "Alex, if Kate was laying in that bed, you wouldn't do the same thing for her?" Luca asked. 

Alex sighed and nodded. "I would,"Alex said. "Okay, well then let me do this,"Luca said. "What are you going to do, hurt him?" Alex asked. "I'm going to kill him,"Luca said while grabbing his jacket and leaving the hospital. 

Luca got into his car and drove to Justin's house. He parked, got out, and walked to his trunk. He opened it, and grabbed his metal baseball bat. 

Luca walked into the house and sat his bat on the counter. The door opened and Luca saw a boy walk into the house. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" The boy asked. 

Luca looked at the boy. "What's your name?" Luca asked. "Justin, why?" Justin asked. Luca smiled and got off the counter. "I'm Luca,"Luca said. Justin smiled and put down his keys. 

"So you're his boyfriend?" Justin asked. Luca nodded and took off his jacket. "Yeah, I am,"Luca said angrily, "And I don't like that you put your hands on him." Justin smiled. 

"I gave him a little taste of what he was missing, and if I couldn't have you, then I would hurt him,"Justin said. "What do you want with me?" Luca asked. "I want you dead, so I can have him all to myself,"Justin said. 

Luca shook his head and flipped his hat backwards. "Not happening,"Luca spoke. Justin laughed and walked over to Luca. "Then do something about it,"Justin challenged. 

Luca punched Justin over and over and over again until his knuckles were bleeding. Justin spit blood out of his mouth and looked up at Luca. 

There was no mercy when it came to Max being hurt. Nothing could stop Luca if he was angry. Luca stood Justin up against the wall. "What are you going to do, hurt me?" Justin asked with blood running down his face. 

"I'm going to kill you,"Luca spoke. Luca grabbed his bat and tightened his grip on it. "L-Luca,"Justin said painfully while trying to stop Luca from hitting him, "Please...wait." 

Luca hit Justin twice with the bat and Justin fell to the ground with his back against the wall. Luca threw the bat to the ground and leaned against the counter, panting. Justin sat on the ground, covered in blood, lightly breathing. 

"Luca?" Kate asked while walking into the house. "I'm not apologizing,"Luca said while walking past Kate and going outside. Kate followed him. "Luca,"Kate said softly. "Whatever it is you have to tell me, I'm not in the mood to hear about it,"Luca said, "I'm going to see Max." 

"Luca,"Kate cried, "Max didn't make it." Luca smiled. "You're lying,"Luca said. Kate shook her head. "I'm not,"Kate cried, "He didn't make it. Luca, Max is dead." 

Luca got in his car and drove back to the hospital. He ran to the stairs, and ran to the 3rd floor. Just as he was about to enter Max's room, he noticed that Max wasn't there.

Luca looked at his mom and Alex. "Mom,"Luca said softly, "No." His mom nodded. "I'm sorry,"His mom cried. "Mom, please,"Luca cried, "Please tell me that you're lying." 

"Luca, he wasn't getting any better,"His mom cried, "He was getting worse. I'm so sorry, baby." Luca dropped to the ground and he cried. 

"I'm sorry, Luca,"His mom cried, "Max is gone…." Luca felt numb, every inch of his body was numb. First his sister, now his lover. 

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