an occurrence.

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the next day.. wasn't as awful, nor was it any good.  

it was better because the rain hadn't hit yet, even though the clouds were a dark shade of grey. the whole atmosphere just screamed inclement weather. but was a tad bit easier because i had already knew what to expect of my day. people didn't look at me quite as much as they had yesterday, which had filled me with much gratitude seeing as it had lifted some of the stress off my shoulders. i ended up with the people i had sat with at lunch yesterday again today which included inasa, mina, ochako, asui and tenya whose names and faces i now remembered. slowly but surly i had began to feel like i was treading water, rather than drowning in it.

it was worse because i was extremely exhausted. it was also worse because mr. ectoplasm called on me in trig when my hand wasn't raised.. and you guessed right, i had the wrong answer. and it was just miserable overall because katsuki bakugo did not happen to be in school that day.

so yeah, you could weigh the options and tell me what kind of a day i was having.

all morning i was dreading lunch, fearing his peculiar scowls. a part of me wanted to confront him and demand to know what his problem was. why he wanted to leave biology so badly. why he wouldn't dare look me in the face at all. while i was in my bed trying to get some sort of shut eye, i tried to imagine what i would even say to him.

when i walked into the cafeteria with mina– trying to keep my eyes from sweeping all over the place for him, and failing miserably.. i saw that his four other siblings were sitting together at the same table, and that he was most certainly not there with them.

how disappointing.

i tried to engage and listen to the groups easy chatter, really. but i was terribly uncomfortable and waiting on his arrival feeling tremendously nervous for the moment he would step foot in the cafeteria. i had simply hoped that he would do what he did best and just pay no attention to me when he decided to show, and prove my speculations false.

alas, he didn't come, and as time passed i couldn't help but grow more and more tense.

i was sort of relieved that when i had found out that i had the desk all to myself, that katsuki wasn't here. i told myself that repeatedly. there was just no way that i couldn't get rid of the nagging thoughts in my head that i was the reason he wasn't there. it was was absurd and egotistical, to think that i could have any affect anyone that strongly, literally anyone. it was deemed nearly impossible. and yet here i was dwelling on the fact that it was the truth.

and it went on like that for the next three days. some of the most intolerable three days of my entire existence.

i tried to not let it bother me too much, katsuki, for that matter. i couldn't help it. i couldn't even if i so badly wanted to, but no matter what i did or how i tried to distract myself from the thought of him, he just kept on coming back; like a broken record player you'd find in some thrift store from the eighties.

when i got home, it was around four, four-thirty. i would have been home sooner, but i thought a little drive around this 'always raining, never stops raining' old boring town to clear my mind from these past few exhausting days would do me some good.

"shoto? is that you sweetheart?" my mother called out from the kitchen when she heard me entering through our front door.

yeah mom, who else would it be? i thought to myself.

"ah, shoto, welcome home."

"thanks mom". i walked over and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"so, how was school? i hope it wasn't terrible for you. did you made any friends yet?"

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