a speculation.

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the exact moment when katsuki had dropped me back off at home after our little outing, fuyumi texted me saying that her and mother were headed to bed. i texted her back letting her know that i just arrived home and to not worry.

quickly, i shrugged off my coat and made my way upstairs to turn my computer on with the book i bought an hour prior in hand.

i typed in one word.


when the results came up, there was a lot to go through. from movies and tv shows to games, even music. anything that you could possibly think of.

then to my knowledge, i found a good site. one that didn't seem so foolish, and fake.
believing that it could at least give me some answers to the many questions i had, i clicked on the site, 'vampires a–z'.

i skimmed through the web page over and over again, looking at the words that seemed to pop out the most to me.

as the vampire, who is neither a ghost, or demon, but partakes in dark natures, but possesses the mysterious and qualities of both.

the site basically contained an alphabetized listing of all the different types of myths on vampires held throughout the world.

there was so many different types of these creatures– i couldn't even believe what i was reading.

i read carefully through the descriptions, looking for anything that sounded familiar, let alone believable.

unfortunately there wasn't as much that sounded like the movies i had seen, and if only, there were a very few.

only three entries of many, particularly caught my eye. one being the romanian varacolaci– an undead, powerful creature who could appear as beautiful, breathing and pale-skinned. the slovak nelapsi– a creature so strong and fast that it could massacre an entire village by itself.

it was the last one that stood out from all the others. the stregoni benefici– an italian vampire. one to be on the side of goodness, an mortal enemy of all evil vampires.

it was a relief, really, that one small entry, the one myth among hundreds– claimed the existence of good vampires.

..if you could even call them good.

though, overall there wasn't much that matched with momo's stories or.. at least with my own observations.

frowning, i grabbed a sticky note off my desk and made a little list as i analyzed and compared it with each myth. so far there was strength, speed, beauty, pale skin, and eyes that so happened to change colors.

then there was momo's words.. or perhaps i say; 'legends'. his words contained of, blood drinkers, cold to the touch, enemy of the werewolf and immortal.

actually.. there was quite a few myths that matched at least one factor.

frustrated, i shut off my computer and sighed into my hands. what was i kidding? this all was so stupid and idiotic. what kind of weirdo did you have to be to sit all alone in your room.. just to do some research on vampires? vampires! a mythical creature of all!

what the hell was the matter with me?

this was ridiculous. i should have just stayed home, watching cooking shows with mom and letting her blab to me about how 'hot' doctor aizawa is. given, that would have been a better choice to make.

unfortunately, i don't make smart choices.

i sighed again once more then glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand. it was around nine twenty. heading in early never hurt anyone.

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