a bidding.

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the month that followed the accident was uneasy, tense, and way too embarrassing for my liking.

being in the spotlight was never my specialty. although, if you asked any other peer in the school, i'm sure they'd 'beg to differ'.

the family of five sat at the same table, five days out of the week, per usual. barley any talking, nor eating. and if they were, it had been only slightly.

my desire to speak with katsuki had grown a significant amount. a few days after the accident i had tried to reach out to him, but we both had been so frustrated and angry about the whole ordeal that it was nearly impossible to get a single word out.

of course i was still distressed about the fact that he didn't allow himself to trust me with the truth, that was given– even though i already promised that i wouldn't dare tell a soul.

but eventually i had come to terms with that fact that katsuki had indeed, saved my life.. no matter how he had done it, or why. and over the next few business days or so, my irritation in time had turned into gratitude.

katsuki was already sat in his assigned seat when i had arrived to biology. of course, he was looking straight ahead and nowhere else but the whiteboard. his face was in its usual attire, hard and cold. although he made it much so painfully obvious, he showed no signs of greeting me, or even realizing i was there. like i wasn't an existing human being.

"hello, katsuki. weather's nice, isn't it?".
i said pleasingly, to show him that i was going to behave myself, and not start another argument that would turn heated incredibly fast.

he slightly turned his head in my direction– of course, without meeting my eyes, and nodded once with that infamous scowl of his, and then looked the opposite direction.

and that was the last contact i've had with him since then, even though he was there, a foot away from me every single day. but as the days went on, i gave no more notice that he existed than he showed towards me.

how pitiful.

the next morning was cold, and damp– per usual. well, standing outside probably didn't help much in that case, either. the whole biology class who were also waiting for our bus to arrive would most likely agree so too.

we had a field trip to go and visit a community college greenhouse. but.. wasn't it far too early in the year for colleges to start representing themselves to high school students?

mr. ishiyama had said it was good that we all got out for some fresh air, to spend time with mother nature; spitting on about how 'green was good'.

yeah, right. like that was my main intention when i had first moved here.

a booming voice from across the parking lot had quickly gathered my attention.

"shoto! you're alive!". inasa shouted as he strolled over to where i was parked, looking ecstatic as ever.

"huh" i looked up, meeting his black shaded eyes. "oh– yeah, i know. false alarm, i guess".

"well for starters, i'm glad you're not dead. 'cause, well, that would suck".

i smiled at him, nodding my head. "yeah, truly unfortunate that would be".

"anyways!" inasa spoke, sounding way too cheerful for a high school student on a tuesday morning, "mina asked if i wanted to go to prom with her."

"that's great". i made my voice bright and warm as much as i could muster. "i'm sure you'll have a good time with her".

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