surprise, surprise.

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when i awoke this morning, i was absolutely positive about three things.

first, katauki was a vampire. second, there was part of him– and i didn't know how potent that part might be– that thirsted for my blood. and third, i was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

sitting up from my lying position, i could see from the window that the sun was beginning to rise, though it was still dark and muggy.

that meant that katsuki would be in school today. heh, perfect.

wasting no time, i got dressed in under five minutes– which actually, was pretty impressive. then made way downstairs to grab a quick breakfast– which consisted of two granola bars and a apple juice box.

as i made my way out the door, the air was nice and cold– dare i say a tad bit refreshing. even if it felt pleasing for the time being i couldn't wait for the warmth i was about to receive as soon as i started the cars engine.

"oi, halfie. need'a ride?".


katsuki's here? since when?

shockingly, i hadn't even realized katauki pulled into the drive way. really shows how much i pay attention to my surroundings.

"you ass! you can't just sneak up on people like that. almost gave me a heart attack".

"sounds like you might need hearing aids, huh, halfie?" he chuckled as he opened the passenger door.

"no" i answered sheepishly, dragging myself over to katsuki's vehicle, "caught me by surprise s'all".

"oh, i bet" he shrugged, closing the door once i sat down, and, sooner than should ever be fucking possible, he was sitting next to me, starting the engine.

as we drove through the misty streets, i could tell that the silence was starting to deteriorate on katsuki, so i decided to take matters into my own hands.

"so.." i mumbled looking outside the passengers window, watching as green and blue blur together as we go sixty five miles per hour, "where's the rest of your family?".

"decided to take eijiro's car today" he shrugged, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel.

"oh. well, if he has his own car then why does he bother to ride with you?".

katsuki scoffed, starting to pull into the schools parking lot. "to blend in, of course. more pretentious that way".

"to be frank, you don't succeed very well" i noted casually, unbuckling the seatbelt. "why bother if it's more conspicuous?".

katsuki mumbled, "i thought we already had this conversation".

"yeah, well, i would've remembered if we did".

"f'couse you would've" he tsked, getting out of the car, on his way over to open my door.

please, what a gentleman.

"aren't you looking for privacy though? why have such nice looking vehicles then?".

"s'fulfilling" katsuki grinned as he playfully pushed my shoulder, "we all like to drive fast".

i rolled my eyes, "right, go figures".

as we both started walking onto campus, i couldn't help but cringe with all eyes on us. "everyone's staring.. you know"

katsuki just chuckled, not even bothering to look around, then proceeded to point over to some random dude, "well, not that guy. he just looked".

"aren't you afraid of what people might say?" i asked, trying to ignore all the stares.

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