port angeles.

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if i had taken up on mina's offer to carpool with them the other day, i would have found out that she liked to drive fast.

like, race car driver fast.

we made it to port angeles around five thirty p.m, courtesy to mina, of course. it had been a long time since i had a little get together with friends. really, it was a strange feeling. i didn't have much friends back in arizona, only a few here and there, so this felt a bit different than what i was used to. but it was a good type of different, something that i could get used to.

port angeles was a beautiful little town, much more polished and charming than forks was.. or could ever be. but the three of them seemed to know their way around the town pretty well, so we didn't waste much time looking around.

the dance was supposed to be.. semiformal, and we weren't particularly sure what that was supposed to mean, but the girls seemed flabbergasted and almost disbelieving when i had informed them that i had never been to a dance in phoenix before.

"haven't you ever gone with a girl? perhaps a boy or something?" mina uncertainty asked as we walked through the front doors.

i tried my best to convince her, not wanting to ever confess my dancing problems.. or such. "i've never had a boyfriend to go with.. or anything close. i wasn't allowed to go out much".

"and why not?" mina demanded.

"my father.. was" i coughed, not trying to bring up any discomforting topics, "is, kind of a strickler. and no one ever asked me, so i never bothered to ask anybody else". i answered honestly.

the three of them turned to me, looking skeptical, but continued scanning the racks for dress-up clothes.

the selection of dresses wasn't particularly large, but they all found a few things to try on. i sat on small bench just outside the dressing room by the three-way mirror to give them all privacy.

as soon as mina, asui and ochako had found the dresses they wanted to wear, we headed over to find some shoes to accommodate with them. as they tried things on i just sat there and critiqued, not really in the mood to shop for myself, though i think i was long overdue for a new pair of shoes.

shopping didn't take as long as we had expected it to, so we planned to go to dinner at a little italian restaurant on the boardwalk. the girls were going to take their clothes back to the car and then walk down to the bay.

i ended up telling them i would meet them at the restaurant in an hour or so, as i wanted to look for a bookstore that was located in town. ochako encouraged that they were all willing to come with me, but i insisted that they go have fun, and that they didn't know how non-fun i could be around when i get my hands on a few books. when it came to reading, i preferred to be alone. they all just shrugged and went back to chatting as they walked back to mina's car.

finding the bookstore wasn't as troubling as i thought it'd be. the place had a warm type of aura, through the glass i could see a middle aged man with long, black hair that was tied up into a low ponytail, he had a maroon buttoned up flannel on with a navy short sleeve underneath; smiling welcomingly from behind the counter. it was a quick process, in and out. after i paid for book, which was about twenty five dollars or so, i said my thanks and quickly exited the store.

as i wandered through the streets, i could only hope that i was headed towards downtown. i wasn't paying much attention to where i was going, though i probably should have. i was trying hard not to think about katsuki as much as i was nowadays, which now sounds silly the more that i think about it.

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