Chapter 12

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TM 12

Chelsea's POV

I sat down at the lunch table, I was exhausted. I had spent all morning trying to make Yugi fall in love with a squash. Yes, a squash. I was also starving. Oh, by the way. Yugi and Yami are from my favourite show ever. Yes, it's an anime, but oh my ra when I saw those knowledgeable starfish haircuts........ Yugi with his purple hair with amethyst eyes and Yami with red hair with crimson eyes..... I MEAN I KNOW A LOT OF FANDOMS ARE HERE BUT THEYRE FROM AN ANIME COME ON!! How was I to know I could actually meet them?

Apparently Cleo had been 'going for a walk' really early in the morning. I don't really believe her, but I'll interrogate her later.

I jumped as someone sat down next to me. It was Yami.

"Later we're going into the town. I want you to see all the other people." He said.

"Or peasants." I laughed.

"Or peasants." He agreed.

"Hey, are you and Yugi.... You know....."

"I know you ship us, don't scream, but we're dating. And I'm planning to propose." Of course, my fangirl exploded.

"OH MY RA AEEEEEEEEEYEYEYEYEYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-" ((A/N seriously it is possible to make that noise, I do a lot.))

"SHE'S BEING MURDERED, QUICK, DO MOUTH TO MOUTH!!!" That was Brooke. I immediately stopped squealing and covered my mouth with one hands and pushed Brooke away from me with the other because ewwwwww.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I shouted. Brooke laughed and sat down next to Cleo and Becky.

The rest of them arrived and we started eating. Focaccias with Apple juice. Yuuuuuum. I made small talk with Yami and Trott, who was sitting in his golden chair at the end. There was also no one sitting at the other end, hmm, I wonder if someone died or something and they don't sit there anymore because of memories.

We eventually all finished, and decided to go for a walk around the castle to work off the food. We were walking for a bit, following the maps, but then Brooke found a corridor that wasn't actually on the map. There was only one door at the end, also, it wasn't colourful like the rest of the castle. Instead, it was black and white. It was quite creepy, actually. I wonder what happened?

"You guys ready?" Lyra asked, hand on the door handle. We nodded. She slowly opened the door. What was inside? It was just a bunch of weird shit. There were pedestals with our names on them and weird items for different colours it was really strange. I walked to the one with my name on it. It was pink and had a drawing of a heart, a heart plushy and a plastic couple holding hands.

"What the hell." Brooke stated. Hers was a light blue.

"What is this and why weren't we told about it?" Melody asked indignantly. Hers was brown.

"I don't know but I think we should go."

Brooke's POV

We still had an hour until we were going into the city. I was so tired from training today, I had to try to make an ice sculpture of Ross posing but then he realised I wasn't that powerful and made me try to make a single snowflake. I did, eventually, but then Ross broke it so I had nothing to show for it. Thanks, mate. And then, when we were walking... That pedestal made me feel uneasy, like I was spinning and helpless to anything. It made me want to curl up into a ball and tremble until it was all over. What was all over? I don't know. What is my brain thinking.

So, having an hour left to spare, I walked back to the testing room. My face brightened when I saw Duncan waving. I grabbed a stool and sat on it in front of his pod. He sat down and crossed his legs.

"Can you hear me?" I asked. He nodded.

"Hello!" His voice was silky smooth, it was beautiful, though it was slightly muffled because of the glass between us.

"Hi, I'm Brooke."

"Duncan. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand but then retracted it and blushed when he remembered the glass. Oh my gods he's so cute.

"So um, how long have you been... In there?"

"Um, about a year? I haven't really paid attention."

"D-do you get any food?"

"Yeah, there's like a vending machine thing over there." He gestured behind him, towards this vending machine thing, as he said. I saw salads and Timtams and other stuff.

"Wow... Do you know her?" I pointed towards Kim.

"Who? There's someone else here?!" He was incredulous.

"Uh, yeah."

"Holy shit!" Awkward silence. "Um..."

"So um... I'm trying to get you out, because you don't seem mad. Apart from the blood spots."

"Oh..." He looked down. "Sorry about those. I don't remember how that happened. And also if you can get me out I MIGHT KISS YOU I'VE BEEN IN HERE SO LONG!" He put his hands on the glass then started furiously blushing. I laughed.

"I'll ask Ross H. About it today when we visit the city." I stood up.

"Thank you so much! I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, sure! Bye!" I waved and walked out of the room. He was so bloody cute!

This took me so long to write. I couldn't think of anything.

Anyway here it is.


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