Chapter 16

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TM 16

Cleo's POV

I woke up in the morning to see that Brooke had already left the room and Lyra was fast asleep. So I got dressed quietly and snuck out of the room. I walked into the kitchen, still using the map because I can't remember the layout of this huge flipping castle, who could? Well, maybe some people, but definitely not me. I grabbed a cheese roll from a basket in the kitchen and walked back out, I passed Melody and Becky and said hi. Melody was telling Becky about some Disney thing, I wasn't really listening.

As I walked past a bathroom, Brooke appeared out of nowhere and joined me.

"Hi." She greeted. "Where are you going?" I shrugged. "Do you think that Lyra will be okay?" I shrugged again. "Come on, Cleo, talk to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-"

"Shut up." I interrupted. "The truth is, I don't know really, her past is....."

"Sad." I nodded, agreeing. "Maybe we should tell this Julian dude to back off."

"No, I'm sure Lyra is capable of making him piss off. She is very good at arguments."

"You got that right." Brooke sniggered. "She almost strangled one of the teachers because they told her to try summer school, remember?" It was an occasion I could never forget. Lyra had gone to her art teacher to hand in her assignment late, and the teacher said it wasn't very good and maybe she should try summer school. By the time Lyra had finished, almost everyone in the room had left in fear and the teacher was quivering. Yeah, she could definitely handle this herself.

"That was hilarious." I laughed. "Hey are you still obsessed with that boy behind the glass?"

"Nah, he can get himself out." I nodded, good, she didn't need to be in love, she would probably forget about me anyway.

Brooke and I then wandered around the castle, passing a few people and eventually ending up at the whitewashed hallway. I tried to open the door, only to discover it was locked. By some miracle, Brooke had a hair pin and for some reason could pick locks, don't even ask how she knows that. The lock clicked open and Brooke cheered.

"Maybe we shouldn't go in, I mean they locked it for a reason..." I mumbled.

"Cleo, stop being a scaredy pants, we'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine." Brooke said, exaggerating the i's.


"No buts, we're going in here because we have no idea what's it's meant for, and maybe something has changed?" Brooke interrupted.

"Ugh, fine, but if we get in trouble it's your fault." She nodded and we opened the door.

Inside didn't look much different than it did last time, our pedestals still had the same things on them, mine a blue gem, a cloud in a jar and a few badges with wind symbols on them. Brooke had a snowflake in a container, a snowman made of clay and a pair of mini ice skates.
I always did like snow, I have memories of me and my brother throwing snowballs at each other and being absolutely freezing until our parents told us to come inside, that was on a ski trip, we had heaps of fun.

"Cleo, look!" Brooke gasped. She was pointing to Melissa's pedestal. I walked over, there was a red cross on her pedestal, with a message underneath that said 'her fate has been chosen'. Brooke looked up at me, horrified.

"What the hell do you think that means? Will she die? I don't want her to die!" She looked on the brink of tears.

"I don't know, Brooke. Maybe it just means she'll be- oh hell, I don't know, why don't we ask Ross or something." I could feel tears building up. I don't want to lose anyone.

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