Chapter 13

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TM 13

Cleo's POV

"Where the hell were you this morning?" Chelsea cornered me.

"Um, I just went for a walk. As I told you before." I stated. I wasn't telling her.

"I don't believe you." She prodded my chest. "I think you were with Smith."

"Why would you think that?" I asked incredulously.

"I'm gonna ask him!" She said, gesturing over to him. I shrugged. He wouldn't. I watched her stomp over and start animatedly talking to him. He stared at me, asking a silent question. I shook my head violently. Brooke came over to me.

"You so went to him last night." I hit her on the arm.

"Don't tell her that. We didn't do anything!" I said when she looked at me smugly. "We just hugged because I had a nightmare and Chelsea wasn't next door so I went to him!"

"Mhmm... Whatever you say sweetheart." She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall like me. We were waiting for the rest of the girls to get here, apparently they needed to go to the toilet? I don't know. They were taking ages though. I grabbed Brooke's wrist and turned it around so I could see the time, 3:56... They'd been an hour.

"Should we go looking for them?" I asked. Brooke shrugged and walked towards the nearest bathrooms. I followed her, checking that Chelsea was still talking to Smith, she was. We walked along the turquoise hallway to the bathrooms. We heard a lot of giggling and exchanged weird looks. We opened the door to hear Lyra shouting.

"IT TAPS RIGHT INTO MY SOUL!" Brooke and I both burst out laughing. "What? It does!"

"What the hell are you guys actually doing?" Brooke asked after she'd calmed down. Yeah, what were they doing in here? Melody, Becky and Melissa were sitting on the sink thing and Lyra was pacing up and down in front of the cubicles.

"We are pondering about life." Becky said.

"We've been waiting for you for an hour and you're pondering about life?!" I asked.

"Uhhh, yeah..." Melissa said. Brooke just grabbed Melody and Lyra's arms and dragged them outside. I did the same with Becky and Melissa. God, they can be so dumb sometimes.

We then finally managed to get to the town, all the peasants were bowing in front of us. I bet Lyra liked that. Then we split up, I got put with Smiff, Becky with Annabeth, Brooke with Ross, Lyra with Phil, Melody with Trott, Chelsea with Yami and Melissa with Laura.

"So, um, about last night..." Smiff said once we were alone. We walked along the path.

"Uh, no it was fine, I was tired, and besides, you helped me sleep." I waved it off.

"No, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."

"You didn't! It's fine!" I insisted.

He led me into the town hall, apparently Trott had to make a weekly speech there. According to Smith Ross writes it all.

"Here is the shopping mall, there is a food hall. Let's go eat food." He pulled me along. We ended up having bubble tea, OH MY GOD AMAZING, and rice paper rolls. My favourite. Smiff took a bite out a a roll and instantly moaned.

"This is so good!" He said, mouth full of food. I laughed.

"Don't speak with your mouth full!" I giggled. "This is my favourite food, anyway. Bubble tea is the best."

We eventually finished eating/drinking and walked around the town, I caught Chelsea running around with a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, he looked a bit Irish? Who he was, I don't know, but I just kept walking and pretended I didn't see them. I have something to tease her about now. Heh.

Melody's POV

"So um, what happened to the buildings and hallways that are now black and white?" I asked Trott. He looked as awkward as he could, being a walrus. We were walking along a brick road, follow the yellow brick road, and the peasants kept bowing it us, it was amazing.

"Look, I'm not going to sugarcoat this. There's evil in this world. Terrible evil. Two evil people, one, a purple woman known as 'Mother', two, a man with a white face and glowing red eyes known as 'Israphel'. They're slowly breaking into my empire and making it dark and uncoloured. They're sucking our powers out, one by one. We've already lost so many people..." He placed his head in his hands. I patted his back.

"You're doing great, just stay strong. The people here love you." He nodded.

"I know, but this has been going on for so long. Ross helps a lot, he takes a lot of stress off me. The thing is, those two, either you go over to their side, or they kill you. That's why we've lost so many, they're all so strong and think they can withstand it, but they really can't. That's why we had to get you guys here, they ones of the prophecy..." He covered his mouth with his flippers and cleared his throat. "What what were we saying?"

So there's two evil people and they're taking the powers away from people and were all going to die eventually if we don't defeat them and somehow we're part of a prophecy. I shall be a messenger to my friends.

Brooke's POV

Ross and I walked through the isles of the candy shop. Neither of us spoke as we were both thinking intently, though I'm pretty sure we were thinking of different things. My mind was clouded with thoughts of Duncan, the boy behind the glass.

His beautiful smile, his sky blue eyes, his pink tinged cheeks when he blushes...

"Brooke!" Ross yelled, leaping in front of me. I jumped back, slightly startled and dazed.

"You could warn me before you do that!" I said in a joking manor.

"Well I tried but you were off in la la land." He said, flapping his arms in an attempt to be a fairy or something of the sort.

"Well I was deep in thought and I'll warn you, that does happen a lot." I said, shaking my head.

"What were these deep thoughts about?" Ross said, leaning against a shelf so I had to talk to him. He had a small smirk on his lips.

"Well..." I blushed, looking at my feet. It wasn't very easy confessing your crush to someone. Especially someone you hadn't known for very long. "A boy."

"A boy?" Ross said, raising one of his eyebrows. I slapped his arm playfully, only to receive one back.

"A very handsome boy which I like very much... Maybe even have a crush on." I said, biting my lip.

"And who is this boy?" Ross asked curiously.

"Duncan..." I said shyly.

"That is adorable." Ross replied. To my relief, he was okay with it all.

"Secret safe?" I asked.

"Secret safe." He assured me, wrapping me into a warm hug.

"So, um. I was wondering if you could get him out?" I asked after he released me.

"And why would I do that?"

"Because um......... He said he would kiss me if I did." He smiled smugly.

"I'll try to convince Trott, but it might take a while, by the way. I ship it." I blushed.

"Shut up." I shoved him. Then he shoved me back, but I made him buy me some lollies and I walked out of the shop, happy.

Today was a great day.


Thanks to greeneyedgremlins for writing some of the last bit!

And also to BooniePig1 for giving me a few ideas... :}

It's a bit of a long one, ENJOY THE VARIOUS SHIPS.
(Brooke now has a big brother figure aww.)


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