Chapter 9

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TM 9

Melody's POV

"What the hell are you doing on the Hand of Truth? This is only meant for special people like myself! You were never permitted to sit on the thumb! This is my throne! Not yours! Go build up your own empire from scratch if you want to sit on a throne, otherwise, get off!" King Trottimus yelled.

"But, it looks so shinyyy..." Lyra complained. King Trottimus just pushed her off. Lyra came back, looking disappointed.

"I shouldn't have done that..." She sighed.

"No, you shouldn't!" I exclaimed. I had just told her about how to behave around royalty too! I still blame Becky for distracting me. Watching Lyra is like taking care of a child.

"Come on girls, I've got to take you to testing to see what powers you have." King Trottimus gestured for us to follow him. Or it? I'll just call him him. Makes sense... Sorta...

We were walking through all kind of hallways, all of them were different colours, some people would have hated that and said it was weird and random, but I liked it. It represented all the different powers, and it added to the atmosphere. After going through an uncountable number of hallways, we went down some stairs and walked into a room that was seemingly under those stairs. I looked around the room, there was a huge circle on the floor in the middle of the room, you could see all these magical energies floating up from it. There were jars all around the room, filled with different coloured liquids, maybe other powers? I was told all powers were unique, so I guess they were all the ones that were already found. Next to the circle, there was a sort of control pad. There were also six pod looking things lining one wall... Two of them had figures in them. That's creepy.

"Take a seat, but be careful not to tap on the glass of the pods. The creatures in there are... Dangerous." I sat down next to Melissa, she was probably wondering if Chelsea was alright. I'm sure she and Cleo would be fine, they had powers, anyway.

"King Trottimus, what powers do you guys have? Or like anybody." Brooke piped up.

"Well, I have the power of influence, I can force people to do things they don't want to do. Ross has the power of changing, he changes form. "Smiff, as some of you know, has the power of weakness. Chelsea has the power of love and Cleo has the power of wind. We have also had fire, knowledge, water, plants, make believe, darkness, light, runes and animals. Also, call me Trott."

"Now, if one of you could come and stand on this circle, we will close you in and scan you, don't worry, it doesn't hurt. Lyra?" Lyra stood up and walked onto the circle. Trott pressed a button and glass walls rose up to surround her, then a beep and a blue light scanned her from head to foot. The walls came back down and Lyra sat down next to us.

"Who's next?" Brooke went next, then Melissa, then Becky. Then it was my go. I walked in, kind of scared since I'm a bit claustrophobic, but I didn't need to worry. The atmosphere calmed me. The blue light felt tingly, like I was shivering, but then the walls went down and I was let out.

"Alright, I'll now tell you your powers. Lyra. You can move things without touching them." Lyra looked happy. "Brooke, you have the power of ice or snow." Brooke looked so flipping happy, I swear she was gassy. "Melissa, you have the power of mind tricks, you can cause distractions in the mind." Melissa looked shocked, as if she didn't deserve one that powerful. "Becky, you have the power of madness, you can make creatures feel completely crazy." Becky made a creepy face. I don't think she should be trusted with anything. "And finally, Melody. You have the power of strength, quite the opposite to our Smiffy." Strength? What could I do with that? Everyone else had such cool powers and I get strength? What the hell? That's so boring.

"So... Can we use them yet? I want to make people go mad!" Becky said, of course she did.

"If you haven't mastered it, like we will teach you, you can only use your powers in emergencies, besides, it is very tiring. Ross only changes into animals when he has to, it's very painful, because his bones are shrinking or growing, and it's also extremely tiring." Trott explained.

"Now, come on girls, I have rooms for you." I hope to god it isn't pink.

A quick Brooke POV to introduce some people

I stayed behind after the others left, I could hear them loudly, anyway. I'd find them. I wanted to look at these figures. They weren't in water either, they just looked frozen, I bet they could move if they wanted to. I walked up to the first pod, it looked like a girl around our age, she had short black hair, and looked Malaysian. She had this weird purple gloop covering her arms, body and half her face. Her eye was all gammy, too. It looked like she was staring into my soul. I shuddered and looked at her nameplate, Kim. Didn't Trott say something about a Kim earlier? It said she was infected with flux, too. I wonder what that was about.

I moved onto the next pod. Inside was a cute boy around my age again, he had floppy blonde hair and glasses, his eyes were closed. He was wearing a weird lab coat sort of thing? It did have blood splotches on it... I wonder what that's about. I looked at his nameplate, Duncan. It said he was insane, he didn't look it, apart from the blood, of course. But he looked perfectly content. I jumped as he opened his eyes and waved at me. Blue, just as I thought, they were like the sky. I timidly waved back. He smiled a cute smile and then I heard someone calling my name. I waved at Duncan and ran out of the room.

I wonder if I could get him out?

Chelsea's POV

Ross couldn't stop laughing. I sighed and crossed my arms. Cleo was laughing a lot, too. After Ross had calmed down, he started asking us what the hell we were doing.

"Well, we were trying to figure out how to make Cleo fly. And it didn't work, as you can see, we just succeeded at making someone laugh." I explained bluntly.

"I just came up to say it was dinnertime! And then I walk in on... This..." He started laughing again. "You need to be trained, you can't just... Flap your arms........ And fly!" He sniggered.

"Shut up, did you say something about food?"

"Uh, yeah come on." He said, wiping his eyes.


Ohhhhh Brooke, don't touch things the King told you not to............

Anyway, powers!

If you needed clarification, they're the following.

Cleo Kilroy Power of wind (making things fly)
Lyra Horman Power of moving (making things move without touching them)
Chelsea Lewis Power of love (making things love, like Cupid)
Melissa Watson Power of emotion (making people feel different emotions)
Melody Hynson Power of strength (making things strong)
Becky Gerin Power of crazy (people go mad)
Brooke Southward Power of ice (like ice and snow)


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