Chapter 15

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TM 15

Melody's POV

All of us hopped back on the bus to return to the edge of the huge island, that we then could jump off to return to the castle. It was still all quite surreal, we were staying in a freaking castle!

Chelsea whooshed past me to the back of the bus with a blonde haired boy I hadn't seen around before. Both of them were giggling, obviously caught up in a world of their own. I decided not to intervene with whatever they were up to. Though, knowing Chelsea, it probably wasn't any good.

Shaking my head, I sat down towards the front of the bus. I made it just before we took off with a jolt.

"Hey where's Lyra, Mel and Laura?" Becky said from the seat from behind me.

I stood and turned to look around the bus, seeing everyone but them. Surely Lyra would still have been with Phil, and Mal and Laura were always on time.

"Have any of you seen Lyra, Melissa or Laura?" I shouted with a loud voice. Everyone stopped and snapped their heads towards me.

"Lyra went to go see the doctor, her knee was playing up again." Phil said calmly. That's one ticked off our list. There wasn't really any surprise there, I told her to look after herself but she always found away to get injured.

"I saw Mel and Laura head up there too." Chelsea stated.

"Okay, phew." I sighed in relief, sliding back down into my chair. Guess we'll see them later.

Lyra's POV

"I don't want the needle." Melissa whined whilst Julian attempted to hold her still.

"I can't watch this." Laura muttered, shuffling out of the room. I didn't blame her, needles were the worst. I'd literally rather someone punched me than have to get one. Though apparently Brooke loves them.

Eventually Julian managed to inject Melissa with a sleeping serum. She swayed side to side a couple of times before collapsing onto the sheets beneath her. I felt sorry for her but I trusted Julian, he knew what he was doing.

"Finally." He muttered.

I laughed at his remark, causing him to turn and look at me with a wide yet kind grin. He looked at me longer than just a friend would, checking me out as so to say. I squirmed slightly in my seat, self-conscious and uncomfortable under his gaze. I wasn't a fan of love and all that, I had my reasons.

The room grew quiet as he scanned over Melissa, checking her heartbeat and all the other stuff that doctors were supposed to do. I wasn't really concentrating though as my mind was wondering, into the depths of memories concealed within.

"Lyra?" Julian questioned.

He was watching me again, leaning against the hospital bed. His tanned arms were resting on the bed, keeping him up.

"Yeah?" I replied shyly.

"Are you okay?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly.

"Yeah, umm of course I am... why wouldn't I be?" I stammered. There was no chance I was really going to tell him what was wrong. Hardly anyone knew of my past and I preferred to keep it that way.

"It's just, you looked really... upset." He said, concern lacing his dark brown eyes.

I averted my gaze to my thumbs, knitting them together. I was trying to piece together some cover-ups but none were coming to mind.

"Ugh." Mel muffled into her pillow. I was so thankful for her interruption I would have kissed her shoes.

"How are you feeling Melissa?" Julian asked her, turning his back to me.

"Terrible." She groaned.

"Well you can head back to wherever you are staying. Ten minutes time you'll be feeling all back to normal." Julian said, attempting an enthusiastic voice. Something was holding him back, I had a feeling that something was me.

"Okay." She said, sitting up and flashing me a toothy grin.

"Let's get you back." I said, walking towards her.

She dropped down onto the ground, a little wobbly at first. She slung an arm around my shoulders, leaning on me for support. We began to walk out but Julian stopped me.

"Come back again tomorrow for a check up on your knee. Until then, go easy on it." He said.

"Thanks again." I smiled forcefully, walking out of the room with Mel.

As soon as the door shut behind me I groaned loudly. I had a tendency to stuff up situations and this was no exception.

"Sorry, am I leaning on you a bit too hard?" Melissa questioned innocently.

"Yeah sorry, my knee is still a little sore." I smiled tightly, using her question as an excuse to cover up my annoyance at myself.

Le time skip

"Thank god! I'm starving!" Brooke exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air as our dinner was served.

Everyone either laughed at her remark or continued on with whatever they were saying before. But I stayed silent, still dwelling on what had happened moments before. My mood was a complete contrast to the happy buzz of the room.

Once dinner was consumed and various conversations were had, everyone headed off to bed. Brooke, Cleo and I walked up a winding spiral of stairs. Brooke and Cleo were speaking, more like arguing, about a guy named Duncan while I zoned in and out.

"I really like him though..." Brooke whined dramatically.

"But how do you expect to get with a guy that's trapped in a glass box?" Cleo questioned, ridiculing the situation.

"I plan to get him out." Brooke stated, hands on her hips with determination.

"Well good luck with that." Cleo scoffed.

I walked ahead, opening the door for the bickering pair. They walked in, still deep in a heated conversation.

"Obviously there is something wrong with him if he's locked up!" Cleo exclaimed.

"Well it doesn't look like he'd do anything bad!" Brooke retorted.

I headed toward the bathroom with my clothes in hand, slamming the door behind me. Finally silence overcame the room. Though this time, I didn't want the silence.

"Lyra?" Cleo questioned lightly.

Her feet padded along the floor until they came to a halt outside the bathroom door. I heard Brooke's follow behind.

"Yeah?" I said, my voice cracking slightly. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, threatening to fall.

"What's wrong? And don't you dare tell me it's nothing." Cleo said sternly.

"I-I met this guy and he's cool but memories of dad and grandad kept coming back." I sobbed.

Cleo opened the door slowly, Brooke walking along behind her. They saw me and sat down, one on each side.

"It's okay." Brooke comforted. "I think it's fair to say that we're all having boy troubles right now." I laughed shortly, nodding along with Cleo.

"But we won't let it get in the way of our friendship, will we?" Cleo questioned.

"Nope." Brooke and I agreed in unison.

After that we chatted about nothing in particular until sleepiness took over.


And this chapter was written by the fabulous greeneyedgremlins ! Go read her books if you haven't, she's helped me so much.

Heh, mysterious past?
All shall be revealed....... Eventually.


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