Chapter four- I think I love you

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Rain. Heavy rain, belting down, trickling down the windows onto the window sledge. The sound of running water fulfilled the house. Riley awoke tears streaming down her face as she cries out in agony. Unfortunately for Scarlett, she's a light sleeper.

Lizzie had left the night before leaving their two on the own. Again the cries were heard throughout the grand house. The door flew open and in came a rather alarmed Scarlett.
Riley was shaking in the corner of her bed with her arms wrapped tightly around her legs.
Her chestnut brown hair covering the once happy face as her cries turned into screams.

Scarlett ran over to her more in shock than anything. She didn't bother asking her what it was she just proceeded to cuddle the girl giving her that physical touched she craved.
"Hey darling girl hey, it's okay it's okay" Scarlett soothed her calming her screams back into desperate cries. Tears soon flooded the girl and she buried her face into Scarletts shoulder.

"Please tell me what it is otherwise I can't help you. I may be the best but I'm afraid I can't read your mind." Scarlett smiled. This caused the panicked girl to let out a small smirk but it soon faded. She took in a deep breath. "i- i had this d-dream. She paused causing Scarletts facial expression change from concerned, to terrified. "It i-t was h-him. He got into this room and started to" she was cut off by Scarlett placing a finger to Riley's lips, signalling her to stop talking.

"Don't." Scarlett managed to let out trying her best to hold back the sudden urge she had to cry.
"Just don't." she pulled Riley into a almost aggressive hug as Scarlett gripped her tighter than usual. Riley felt a sense that somehow what happened to her affected Scarlett but she wasn't about to ask her why. Instead she let out a rather depressive sigh leading to a groan. Scarlett pulled away from the hug and cupped Riley's face in her hands.

"Listen to me. Nothing. No one. Or anything will get into these walls. Your with me your safe. I'm not promising bad things won't happen, because they will it's just life. But saying these things out loud isn't helping you, your only hurting yourself more. Riley let out a light smile at Scarletts small speech. She'd picked up that Scarlett had a way with words and was quite good at communicating which she admired.

Scarlett smiled back happy with her statement. "C'mon kiddo breakfast."
mmh breakfast Riley realised that she forgot how hungry she was. Her dad starved her so she didn't really ever get any breakfast so the phrase was new to her.
She was so tied up in thinking about food she didn't notice that Scarlett seemed to have left.
Though was soon back with a warm hoodie of hers and some snuggly pants.
She threw them at Riley. Letting out a friendly laugh. "Wear this until we get you some new clothes, I'm assuming you didn't get chance to pack." She teased only forcing Riley to smile more.

As soon as she was dressed Riley rushed downstairs smelling the breakfast from there making her lick her lips. It was only now that she began realising how big the house was. She sat down at the island in the middle of the kitchen. Scarlett turned around with a frying pan in hand.
"Hey Riles hope you like eggs!" She beamed clearly in a better mood than before.
Riley just smiled in response as she'd never actually had eggs but was sure she loved them.
"Your house is so big are you like rich or something?" Riley asked sincerely, this caused Scarlett to laugh. "Well yeah I am actually, I'm an actress I play characters in films so it gets a good pay you could say." She laughed smirking at herself.

"Wow that's so cool what movies are you in?" Riley questioned interested to say the least.
"Well seeing as it's clearly raining we can watch some of my movies today if you want?" Scarlett suggested. She added a smile at the end making Riley blush.
"That would be great thank you."
She smiled.

Scarlett was convinced she had never seen anyone eat so fast in her life.
"You sure were hungry huh?" She gushed brushing her silk blonde hair out of her face.
"Yeah I didn't really get that much food back there." Riley replied.
Scarlett shot her a concerned glare but then formed a slight smile as she continued eating her food. "I like your earrings." Riley complimented Scarlett ending the silence between them.
"Awh thanks I really like them too." She whispered making her laugh.

"I like your bracelet." Scarlett told her taking another bite of her eggs.
Riley glanced down at the silver plated chain across her left wrist she felt a tear coming so quickly rubbed her eye thinking it would go unnoticed. It didn't.
"You okay?" Scarlett hesitated.
Riley looked up. "My brother, Arlo gave this to me, before he died." She expressed now wishing she had never brought it up. Scarlett put down her cutlery and rested her chin on her hand.

"You don't have to talk about it babe don't worry, let's go watch a film." She said whilst getting up and gently rubbing Riley's shoulder. She was surprised but also relieved that Scarlett respected her boundaries. She watched as Scarlett started singing a song out loud and dancing on her way to the living area. Riley felt her heart beat in a way she had only felt with one other person. Arlo. That was love.

"You coming?" She heard a voice say from the other room pulling her away from her thoughts.
Riley hurried into the room and sat on the couch next to Scarlett but not too close.
"Okay so I was thinking we start with we bought a zoo, sound good?" Scarlett asked turning to face her. Riley nodded.

The film was about twenty five minutes in when Scarlett leant a little close to Riley.
"I'm in the next scene!" She whispered excitedly. Riley found this rather cute and new she was definitely starting to feel something towards Scarlett.
"Can I sit closer to you?" Scarlett asked for consent first.

It was around 1 hour and five minutes into the film when Scarlett started to stroke Riley's head causing her to cuddle up closer to her. "I love her." Riley replied to a scene in the film directing at Scarletts character. "Cute." She responded smiling.

The film was coming to a end and one of the final scenes concluded of a small kissing scene with Scarletts character and another. "Oh my god yes I ship them!" Riley said loudly sitting up facing the tv. "I love how invested you are in this Riles." Scarlett stated.
"What can I say?" Riley said sass flooding her tone. Scarlett gave her a omg diva look before the two began laughing inconveniently.

They watched four more films together that day, Iron man 2, Avengers, Captain America The  Winter Soldier and Avengers Age of Ultron.

The final scene in Age of Ultron came to a close and Riley was fast asleep in Scarletts arms. She beamed with delight at the sight. She checked the time.
10:03 pm
Scarlett gently carried her bridal style up to the bedroom. Tucking her in she pecked a light kiss on her cheek. Scarlett stroked her hair for a few minutes teasing her sleep wise.
"Goodnight Riley, I- I think I love you." She whispered before closing the door behind her.

Hey species of humans sorry for the late update i had no ideas.
but i'm back with another story lmao hope you like it
and vote pls like pls anyways bye <3
C x

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