Chapter six - Surprise

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"Chris, Robert can you guys fight about who actually won civil war afterwards. It's kind of hard to keep Riley asleep if you two are yammering on about a pointless movie plot." Scarlett said rushing around the house making sure everything was perfect for the big day.

"You do realise you were in that movie too?" Robert shouted back expressing his sarcasm.
Scarlett shot him a shut up glare just for him to give her a flexed bow.

A special surprise was being prepared for Riley and Scarlett had invited the cast round including,
Chris Evans, Robert Downey Junior, Brie Larson, Lizzie Olsen, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston, Sam L Jackson, Paul Bettany, Don Cheadle and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Scarlett was carefully cutting the cake into perfectly sized slices as Lizzie ran over. "I'm so exited for this she's going to love it!" She chaotically fell into Scarlett not realising she was holding a sharp knife in her hand.

"Your lucky I'm left handed otherwise I might just have just cut your finger off." Scarlett smirked obviously exited for the big day as well just better at hiding it than Lizzie.

"I can't believe she didn't tell you about her birthday, surely that would have come up?" Lizzie leant on the counter fixing her hair. Scarlett paused before answering. "She mentioned it I think, maybe I'm just imagining it but she didn't mention it on her birthday so I was unsure what to do, it's now been maybe a week since her birthday and I feel really bad." She sighed still focused on the cake adding rainbow sprinkled and all sorts.

"Your not her mom, you don't have to feel responsible."
Scarlett put down the knife turning to face Lizzie, which in a way was a good thing, in another bit such a good thing. "I know I'm not but I've told you Elizabeth, I really feel a connection. Do you not remember she literally told me she loved me too."

Lizzie now new Scarlett was serious as she'd called her by her full name which was rarely the case.
She stepped back focusing on the cake again and Lizzie took this as her opportunity to sneak out and talk to the rest of the family, being the avengers cast of course.

"I think we need to do something for Scarlett, she's stressed I can tell and I've never seen someone be so passionate about a girl they barely knows. But somethings off, Riley's been through a lot possibly the worst things you can imagine and Scarletts not just being sympathetic it's almost like she has a connection because maybe she's been through something similar." Lizzie took a breath

After some looks around the room Chris finally spoke. "What has Riley been through?"
Lizzie looked in his eyes for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Rape."
Everyone's eyes lit up, not expecting it.
"So your saying that Scar" he was cut off by Scarlett walking through the doors with the beautifully decorated cake in hand.

"So your saying that Scar" he was cut off by Scarlett walking through the doors with the beautifully decorated cake in hand

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"So?" She sounded passionate pleading for approval.
Robert took no time in dipping his finger right into the cake leaving a visual dent. "Amazing." he licked the last of it off his finger before being met with a dozen pair of eyes glaring back at him.
"What, it's some good cake."
Everyone bursted out laughing including Scarlett.

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