Chapter fifteen - French toast

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Riley's pov:

Awoken by the sound of murmuring, I opened my eyes realising that we'd fallen asleep on the couch.
Scarlett was rubbing her eyes looking confused, obviously she's just realised the same thing.

"Oh so you two have finally woken up?" Lizzie's voice  startled me. "Didn't mean to startle you honey!" Her laughing had a calming sense to it.

"I've managed to make coffee, eat breakfast and read two whole chapters of my book whilst you guys have been dead asleep!" Lizzie chuckled.

I could tell she was probably just trying to mess with Scarlett, considering she knows how much Scarlett hates over sleeping and likes to be the one on top of everything.

"Shut up." Scarlett groaned, holding a cushion over her face. My head was still resting on her shoulder as that's how I remember watching the movie.

"Do you want some breakfast Riley? I've made french toast with berries and cream." Lizzie asked.

"Berries and cream? Like the meme?" I said without thinking about how neither of these women have any sort of access to memes and things like that.

"What?" Lizzie shot me a confused expression, laughing at me.

"Doesn't matter. Yes thank you, I'll have some."
I replied, trying to not get into a discussion about what memes are.

"And you, Scar?" Lizzie asked raising a brow at her.
Scarlett grunted at Lizzie still half in denial.
"Oh you're so kind! Of course I'll make you some Scarlett!" Lizzie mocked her making me laugh.

"So what's berries and cream then huh?" Scarlett asked me as she relaxed a bit in her seat.

"Um it's sort of like a meme or vine on tiktok."

"You have tiktok now?" She asked.

"Only recently, is that okay?" My tone changing almost instantly.

"Sure, I don't mind." She smiled reassuringly.

I relaxed a little in my seat moving closer to her, resting my head on her shoulder whilst turning my body to face hers.

She laughed looking at me still smiling.
"What?" I asked looking back up.
"Nothing, you're just cute." She brushed a loose strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear.

"I hate to interrupt', Lizzie walked into the room carrying the food, 'but the food is ready." We both sat up, readjusting ourselves.

"Thank you." Lizzie handed Scarlett a plate with stacked french toast. It smelt really good.

"Here you go." I took the plate from Lizzie's hand, smiling at her. "Thanks Lizzie."
"No problem Riles!" She smiled back as she sat down turning on the tv.

I took a bite into the toast and man it was good.
"Holy shit Lizzie this is so good!" Scarlett approved as if she was reading my mind.

"Language." I turned round to see Chris Evans standing at the patio door which now seemed to be open. "Chris?!" My gaze shifted over to Scarlett who sounded surprised.

"Hey big sister!" Chris walked towards the couch open arms as Scarlett got up, placing her plate on the nearby table.

"Come here Scar." Chris wrapped his arms around her in a big hug. "I've missed you." she exclaimed.
I knew how much Chris meant to her, so seeing her with him this happy was great.

"I've missed you too!" He replied hugging her even tighter. "Look at the kids!" Lizzie laughed raising her glass.

"Hey Riley!" Chris shouted towards me.
"Hi Chris." I smiled at him. I took another bite of my french toast. "Is that any good?" Chris sat next to me after finally letting go of Scarlett, who was now standing behind me.

"Yeah, actually it's really good, Lizzie made it."
I explained. "Oh yeah? Lizzie make me some please."
He asked her. "You're lucky you used your manners boy." Chris laughed at her.

"I'm so glad you're here Chris, I've missed you so much, I know I've already said it." Scarlett awkwardly brushed her hair out of her face, walking towards us.

"I always miss you Scar." Chris told her, smiling widely. I watched as Scarlett blushed and her cheeks went red. The kind of red that a rose would be.
Rosey cheeks.

"When is Rose coming back?" I blurted out.
Scarlett sighed sitting down next to me.
"She'll be back in a couple of weeks I know you miss her, I miss her too." She lovingly placed her hand on mine, comforting me.

"Thank you Elizabeth." I turned round to see Chris taking the french toast from Lizzie.
"Never call me that." She snapped jokingly.
"It's your name?" Chris mocked her.

"So I was thinking maybe we all go round to my house?' Chris stammered, 'I have a dog, do you like dogs Riley?" He asked turning to face me.

"Yeah I think so." I awkwardly looked down avoiding his eyes. "You're okay honey." Scarlett whispered into my ear, stroking my hand to calm me.

"Cool! So my house? Ladies?" He joked around whilst standing up, shoving his hands into the pockets in his pants.

"Yup that's good!" Lizzie agreed.

"That's fine, but let me talk to Riley just for a second." Scarlett said, sounding rather concerned.

"Sure we'll wait outside." Chris lead the way out and Lizzie followed.

"Hey, look at me." I turned, facing Scarlett when I felt my lips begin to tremble and my eyes become watery.

"Heyyyy, it's okay come here darling." Scarlett wrapped her arms around me hushing me gently.
"Tell me what's on your mind?" She smiled holding both my hands.

"It's stupid! I shouldn't be upset but I am!" I lost control, tears now streaming down my cheeks.
Scarlett gave me a look, squeezing my hands reassuringly.

"Hey. I'm here. I'm listening. It's not stupid." She told me firmly, looking me dead in the eye.

I took a deep breath. "It's just I don't know what it's going to be like going to Chris's house. I mean does he even know that I'm pregnant. It's too much for me. I don't know what to do." I cried.

"What do you mean? What about the pregnancy is making you feel this way?" Scarlett questioned me.

"I don't know if I want to keep it. I know it's bad I few awful about it but I'm not ready and it's my dads baby and I just can't cope but then I don't want to be a horrible person but then I will-"

"Hey shut up. Stop making yourself feel bad. Whatever you want to do it's your choice. If you don't want to keep it, it's fine.  Normally I would never agree on abortion but it is rape and the circumstances are deadly." She smiled at me shuffling in her seat.

"Okay, but I want to get it over and done with. I don't want it to be ages before we do it." I said.

"Of course, we can go today instead of Chris's house?" Scarlett suggested.

"Yeah that sounds good. I still feel terrible."
I admitted.

"You will for some time, but you are only young.
You'll move past it like anything even though it's such a hard decision. I'm so proud of you, you've progressed so much since I met you, you're making your own decisions now. I love you Riles." Scarlett smiled, pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you, I love you too Scarlett." I hugged her back tightly."

"C'mon, we should probably go tell them now.."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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