Chapter ten - Rabbits tail

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Scarlett's pov

My fingers trembled across her pale skin my emotions going feral. My heart beat quickened watching her flinch in my arms. I lifted Riley's head off of me gently, resting it down on a nearby cushion as I heard the buzzing for the front gates.

Checking the security cameras, making sure it was the paramedics I went to buzz them in, calling my security unlock the gates. Almost rapidly, they rushed into the house, each of them nodding and smiling weakly as they followed my gesture to where Riley was.

I observed anxiously, when they started their first medical exam on her. "We're just going to run a few tests on her to check her vitals." One of the paramedics indicated looking up to me.

I squinted my eyes and nodded trying to not fall over. Maybe passing out in front of six paramedics wasn't the best idea so I took this as an opportunity to pull out a chair and sit down.

"Mama?" I looked up tiredly and saw Rose half skipping down the stairs a concerned but joyful look to her small face. "Who are they, and why are they touching Riley?" She asked wrapping her arms and legs around my seated body.

"They are paramedics baby." I stroked her head snuggling mine into her shoulder waiting for another bombard of questions. "So the ambulance people?"
"Yes, the ambulance people." I confirmed.

"Why are they with Riley, Riley is my friend they can't hurt her." Rose pouted and I smiled weakly at my child's poor sense of knowledge.

"We aren't going to hurt her little one, we are here to help her since she had a nasty hit to the head." One of the paramedics walked over to us reassuring Rose.
"Thank you." I whispered to her she smiled back and walked back over to the chaos.

"Riley fell over?" Rose asked.
"No darling that was just a saying people say.." I then just realised that I've never heard that saying before. "Hey excuse me, what's actually going on with her, tom maybe." I asked looking directly down at his name tag.

"We think she may have hit her head since her vitals aren't at all good. She has a few mild hits to the head in comparison to severe cases but they are still quite bad." He explained thoroughly.

"Hits to her head?" I implied crossing my arms.

"Yeah it looks like she has what seems to be dried blood on parts of her head where there are visible marks of objects we cannot yet identify."

I put my head down and wiped a tear as I remembered the detailed description of everything she'd been through, all of the abuse.

"We've also noticed some severe cuts and scars on her body elsewhere, do you know what might have caused them?" His voice toned harshly indicating that it may be me that's to blame.

"Her dads physically abusive." I stated avoiding eye contact. "He used to physically hurt her with anything he could get his hands on." I sighed.
"He'd rape her too.." I added on.

"I'm so sorry, by any chance would he have used protection?" Tom speculated. "I have no insight on the actual abuse other than a few weeks ago I saw her dad raping her." I paused. "He definitely didn't use protection then but I doubt he'd use protection at all unless she was on birth control." I trailed on loosing myself in thought.

"That's alright Ms Johansson, you don't have to talk about it anymore I didn't know it was a sensitive subject." He reassured me and I realised I was crying.

You didn't know it was a sensitive subject?! wtf?!

"Oh yeah, no it's fine, thanks." I responded holding my hand out for Rose. "We are going to go out if that's alright, help yourself to anything in the pantry it's just in the back here." I offered smiling lightly.

They all smiled back and I followed Rose out of the house. I quickly pulled out my phone and called my security to unlock the gates.

"Mama!' Rose started, 'I had to put on my shoes by myself!" She blabbered holding my hand as I put my dark sunglasses on.

"I know nugget, did you tie your shoe laces too?"
I hinted since I'd been teaching her how to tie her laces for a while now.

"I can't do it!" She complained stamping her foot in annoyance.

"It's okay baby, here watch." I bent down in front of her and started to tie it for her. "You grab the rabbit by the tail, wrap it around his ear, tie it all up and then stuff it back down the hole." I demonstrated using language she'd understand.

"You'll get it one day nugget." I added squeezing her hand slightly.

"What if I don't?" she looked up at me with her big brown eyes.

"Then I'll have to give you the rabbit speech again." I teased tickling her.

"No Mama I'll give you the rabbit speech!" She giggled viciously.

"Mama where are we going?" Rose asked swinging her arm back and forth.

"Lizzie's" I gave easily continuing to walk.

"Yay Auntie Lizzie!" She bubbled at the mention of Lizzie making me smile.

We approached Lizzie's apartment and buzzed ourselves in. "Auntie Lizzie!" Rose shrieked in excitement. "Rose bud!' Lizzie laughed, 'I've missed you!" Rose threw herself into Lizzie's welcoming arms.

"I forgot to mention I'm in a new relationship.." Lizzie shared.

"Ohh who's the lucky guy?' I paused, 'Or girl." I added quickly.

"It's a guy." Lizzie laughed holding her chest.

"Adam, honey!" Lizzie called out.

"Coming sweetheart!" The man called back walking down the stairs until he was in view.

Oh my god

"It's you." He almost shouted surprising Lizzie as she turned around quickly and raised her brows.

Oh my god

I am genuinely sorry for being so late I have no excuse really but the whole of last week I was off sick so I guess I do have an excuse what-

Sorry for the short chapter I just needed to put something out there for you all.

Sorry for not much Riley I'll get to itobviously it's just part of the plot that we go through first.

Did we all enjoy Rose and Scarlett's cute mother daughter moments?

Did we notice the Jojo Rabbit reference?
(tying shoe laces) I love my imagination.

Anyways goodnight its 12:30 am but I decided to finally finish this and that's no excuse I literally went to bed at 5am 2 days in a row-

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