Chapter three - Connection

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The morning struck, the New York sun dazzling through the curtains waking Scarlett up she checked her phone. It was only 8:45 am and Lizzie had texted her she's on her way ten minutes before. Lizzie only lived ten minutes away so roughly she should be here. Just by thinking that the doorbell rang and a loud knock could be heard from downstairs.
"It's Lizzie!" A voice shouted informing Scarlett that it was in fact her and not some paparazzi or fans. She hurried out of bed and quietly rushed to open the door.

"Hey stranger." Lizzie smiled at Scarlett as she unlocked the door, proceeding to a long passionate embrace from the two. "Hey Gal so explain this to me please." Lizzie asked with a small hint of uncertainty. Scarlett gestured to follow her and they walked into a beautifully decorated open plan living area filled with all sorts of organic plants, luscious small touches to the interior design that made the space feel warmth and so much like a home.

 Scarlett gestured to follow her and they walked into a beautifully decorated open plan living area filled with all sorts of organic plants, luscious small touches to the interior design that made the space feel warmth and so much like a home

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"I don't know if I've told you this before but you have a beautiful living area!" Lizzie beamed giving Scarlett a warm smile. Scarlett was nervously fidgeting with her rings and breathing quite heavily causing Lizzie to look up a concerned look plastered across her face. "Scar just tell me you know there's nothing you can say that will make me love you any less and I'm certainly not one to judge. I'm actually quite flattered you called me first." She assured.

Scarlett took a deep breath and started to tell her everything. Lizzie's expressions changed numerous times throughout the whole conversation. "I've never felt so protective over anyone as much as I feel the need to be there for Riley. I mean I saw her get raped by her goddamn father!" Scarlett wailed throwing her head in her hands. Lizzie put her arm around her ushering her to calm down. She took a brief pause before commenting. "I can only imagine how traumatic that must have been for you. My heart bleeds out for you and this girl." Lizzie acknowledged.

Looking in the mirror Scarlett dried her eyes which only made her cry even more.
"Look Scar it's okay to cry you have to let it all out at some point and I think I know why you feel the need to protect this girl because when you were her age and similar events happened to you nobody was there so now you feel if your not there for this girl then no one will be."
Lizzie mentioned hoping Scarlett wouldn't get too upset about it.

"You are right but let's be real this girl has no one, her mother threw her out her dads dangerous she has no other family they all told her repeatedly she's worthless and she has nothing to live for. I'm afraid that if I don't show her she's loved enough to the point where she actually thinks I care that she's going to give up on life. Don't worry I know she's not my responsibility and I don't feel like I have to but I want to." Scarlett replied steaming off

Lizzie sighed happily. "If that's what you want then I'm here to support you but how about I go meet her huh better make sure she's not a total pain in the ass like you?" She said sarcasm flooding her tone making Scarlett chuckle a little too much. "She may be sleeping but we can wake her." Scarlet informed Lizzie before leading the way to the guest bedroom Riley was staying in.

"Come in." Riley mumbled at being awoke by a knocking at her door. The door opened and Scarlett and another woman that looked to be around the same age as her maybe a little younger but still looked kind and warm, walked in. "Hey Riley did you have a good sleep babe?" Scarlett wondered. "Yes thank you I've only ever slept on the floor so to have a bed is such a difference thank you so much!" Riley cheered happily making Scarlett beam with sadness but also a sense of gratefulness. "Awh I'm so glad you slept well I really am." Scarlett bubbled. Lizzie smiled to herself letting out a small sweet laugh towards the two. She saw the connection between them and it filled her with great happiness seeing her best friend like this.

"Oh sorry almost forgot she was there she's been so quiet!" Scarlett gave Lizzie a glare full of sarcasm making her laugh again. "I'm Lizzie nice to meet you Riley." She chimed in giving Riley a warm smile putting her doubts at ease. "I'm Scarletts friend nothing more no need to be frightened beautiful." Lizzie reassured her.
"Sorry and thank you nice to meet you too."  Riley apologised looking at Scarlett who shot her a  why are you apologising glare. Scarlett sensed Riley's nervousness and walked up to her taking her hand in hers. "Your really cold babe you okay?" She whispered in her ear. Before she could answer Lizzie started talking. "No need to apologise sunshine!" Lizzie grinned.

Scarlett took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay Riley there's something I want to talk to you about is that okay?" Scarlett stated. Fear struck the girl as her eyes dilated and her hands started to shake. Scarlett raised her eyebrow. "Please don't send me back to him please I can't take the pain anymore it's too much. Please oh my god he might literally kill me or worse!" Riley cried now in absolute tears shaking out of her mind.

Deeply concerned Scarlett pulled her in to a deep hug rubbing her back comforting her by stroking her hair. "Hey darling oh god babe I'm not sending you back there's no way on earth I'd send anyone to live with him okay your safe here. Oh god your really scared your shaking so much that's crazy." Lizzie was nearly in tears seeing this girl getting so scared about going back to a certain person made her heart ache like mad.

Riley was gripping on tight to Scarlett her head buried into her shoulder. She had practically climbed into Scarletts lap but she didn't seem to mind. Finally she had the courage to speak.
"I may seem a little over the top but I don't think my body can physically take any more pain he beats me every day sometimes rapes me every day too I don't know how to explain how it feels but" She was cut off by Scarlett hushing her. "Explaining how the pain feels isn't going to do you any good babe trust me I know. I don't think your over the top at all it's okay you've been through so much shit hunny." Scarlett fretted now crying silently into Riley's shoulder.

Lizzie whilst silently laughing about Scarlett cursing to a just turned 14 year old, could instantly tell there was an instant connection between the two and she knew it looked steady. "I'm so emotional after that wow." Lizzie remarked wiping a tear from her eye.
"Judging by the sight of it I don't think Scarletts in the right head space to ask you this so I'm going to do the honours. Scarlett would like to know if you would like to stay with her for a couple of weeks just to see how it goes." Lizzie questioned.

Riley pulled slightly away from Scarlett so she could face her and had this unbelievable look on her face like as if she couldn't believe it. Scarlett was now visibly crying which didn't help either of their emotional states. "Really you want me to stay with you for a bit!" Riley yammered excitedly. "I know we haven't known each other for that long but honestly I feel a real connection with you babe." Scarlett assured her after getting herself together.
Riley immediately burst into tears latching onto Scarlett as tightly as she could pushing her back onto the floor which again Scarlett didn't seem to mind as she as well wrapped her arms tightly around Riley.

"Thank you so so much Scarlett, thank you for being there for me your the only person who's ever cared for me. Thank you for saving me last night I feel weird about the way you saw the whole thing but I'm so grateful you were there." Riley thanked her again.

"Any selfless human being would have done the same darling. I may be the first person to care about you but don't you doubt for a second that I'm the last. Don't feel weird about it it's not normal and it's certainly not okay in any way what he did to you but don't feel weird I'm judging you." Scarlett replied.

"This is just the start Riley."

Hey lmao sorry this chapter is a little
shorter than the others and a lot of dialogue.
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Thanks Love you all <3
C x

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