21 | overprotective mom

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yeonjun's pov ~
"where did kai go?" i asked after coming back from the bathroom.

"oh uh...he said they were going to his house," soobin explained.

"whose house?"


"what?! and you guys just let him go?!"

"why is that a bad thing? he's just having some fun if you know what i mean," taehyun joked around as the rest of the group laughed. i didn't even flinch.

"i'm serious! we don't even know who that guy is! what if something bad happens!"

"calm down and let him have fun. i know you care about him, but he's not a baby, he can protect himself," taehyun told me. i sighed.

"you're right i guess...i just love him so fucking much...i don't want anything bad to happen to him."

"i know. we all know. even he knows. but you gotta quit acting like an overprotective mom and let him live his life." we all stayed silent for a bit, trying not to make eye contact with each other.

"i still wanna know what they're up to."

"really?" taehyun asked as he gave me a look that told me i'm stupid. "you really wanna go there?"


"okay yay! let's watch porn!!"

"wait wha-" before i could finish my sentence, taehyun dragged me by the arm. beomgyu and soobin followed after us.

i immediately let go of taehyun's hand after he dragged me outside.

"hold up! what the fuck are you talking about?! we were gonna go see kai and now you wanna watch fucking porn?! what does that have to do with any of this?!" they all stayed silent.


"you're literally such a dumbass!" taehyun yelled as he starting laughing.

"what?! hey! no i'm not!" we all stayed quiet except for taehyun, who was still laughing. "wait...hold up...oh my gosh i really am so stupid..." my face was warm as i face palmed. soobin and beomgyu started laughing as well.

"it's okay yeonjunieee!" beomgyu cutely said as he touched my shoulder in tiny.

we all froze.

i immediately crouched and hid my face in my knees from embarrassment.

"did you just call him yeonjunie?!" taehyun was so shook that his jaw was open.

"w-why? is that bad?"

"oh my gosh..." i kept hiding my face.

"what's wrong with that?!"

"it's just so...cringy..." taehyun replied.

"but...i-i guess it's okay if you say it...i guess..."

"wait, but if it makes you uncomfortable, i wouldn't wanna use it. i'm sorry..."

"n-no! it doesn't make me uncomfortable."

"but you literally hid your face in embarrassment, no?"

"w-well yeah. but that's only because you're too cute," i said quietly. beomgyu started blushing as he pouted. taehyun kept awkwardly looking back and forth from beomgyu and i, and he covered his mouth because he was so shocked. he started giggling.

"oh this is just too good. i'd pay to see another episode of this."

"shut up!" i told him.

we all stayed silent for a moment, but then immediately started laughing with each other while the sun was setting. it was a pretty nice moment, even though i was kind of embarrassed to death. at least i was with them when i died.

"so...do you guys still wanna go though?" i asked.

"to see what kai is up to? i mean, if you really want to but..."

"you really think they'll do it though? kai has never done it before," i mentioned. it was quiet. taehyun stared at me in a weird way.

"you never know. i'm sure he's had experiences before. i just don't think he's told you."

"taehyun. the first time a boy has kissed him, he literally jumped off the walls and did a flip in front of us. and then he talked non stop about how good his lips tasted."

"oh uh...yeah...maybe he would, i just forgot about that." i stared back at him. he was acting very weird right now and i knew something was up.

"taehyun, is it okay if i talk to you in private?"

"nope." i glared at him, then dragged his arm to an area where nobody was.

"you know, i've always had a feeling that you and kai did it. i should've trusted my gut. i thought i was crazy that nobody else noticed it."

"what are you talking about?"

"oh you know exactly what i'm talking about, mr. nobody is acting weird."



he made eye contact with the floor instead of me and kept his eyes there. he did anything and everything to keep his eyes on the ground.

"look at me."

"you can't tell me what to do." his voice was soft but aggressive at the same time. i lifted up his face and saw that his eyes were teary.

"t-taehyun?! are you crying?!" he smacked my hand away from his face and looked away again. he didn't reply.

we stood there, with me looking at him, and him looking away. i was so shocked. i'd never see him cry before. and even though his eyes were only teary, i still took it as crying.

"...i hurt him," he finally said, in a low and quiet voice. my eyes widened. "even though he said he forgave me, we'll never be the same again. there's always going to be that awkwardness feeling. even though he said it's okay, it's not okay...i can tell he's still hurt..."

"...what happened between you two?" he didn't answer again. but i kind of knew what happened at the same time. i knew he did it with huening kai, and i knew he kissed beomgyu. and huening kai is the type of person who never looses his feelings for someone. he still is obsessed with the guy he had his first kiss with. "never mind...i know..."

"well...thank god you're not a dumbass," he quietly stated. his voice was shaky when he said that. he waited for a moment, and then ran away. he wiped his eyes with his sleeves while he was running.

i guess he didn't mean what he said back there, about me being a dumbass.

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