20. Fate II - searching for a new identity

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"..Any more information about him?"

"Not that we can remember. We were told he was a 4 year old human, raised in an organic orphanage. We weren't told how long he'd lived there. Or if they had told us, we don't remember. We didn't get any certificates to show any of his identity. Humans don't have documentation anymore. But it was a reputable market.. very good word of mouth..we were very disappointed."

His father's explanation, so blasé about Eddy's background caused Brett heartache and he bit into his quivering lower lip.


Brett shot a glance towards Eddy and the look of the younger's distressed state made his heart sink even further. It must be awful having everyone talk about him like this. Brett got out from his seat and sat next to Eddy where he sat alone crying on the sofa.

Brett wrapped his arm around Eddy and helped wipe his tears with one of the main wing handtowels brought over for him. It was one of their very fluffy towels, unlike the thin coarse ones that Eddy was accustomed to using. Not that Eddy was in any state to extend such thoughts. Brett's father shot an annoyed glance towards his son;

"Brett, come back and sit where you were."

Brett slowly looked up towards his father as he replied;

"Dad.. I'd like to sit here."

Brett's father did not appreciate Brett's defiance.

"Son? I've asked you to move."

"...Father. I am eighteen years old. I've had my blood awakening. I am an adult. Eddy has always been mine. I would like to sit with him."

Brett's father roared;

"Son, you have absolutely no idea of the implications in light of what we found out today, do you!?!?"

Brett looked puzzled.

"I beg your pardon, father...?"

Brett's father's voice shook.

"If you did.. you would not be putting your arm around him and comforting him. You would want to... want to.."

"..I don't understand, Father."

His father shook his head in frustration.

"Son.. Brett.. you were already in a high risk group for complications because of your late adolescent blood awakening. We were hoping you got away with only a late growth spurt. But then we find out your awakening was with this boy.."

"His name is Eddy, Father."

"And have you actually worked out what Eddy exactly is?!"

Brett raised his voice back in confusion;

"What do you mean?!"

"What do I mean? I mean, what is his blood lineage? In other words, is he a human or a vampire? If you think you are so clever, do tell us, son, what exactly do you think Eddy is?"

Brett stammered;

"W..well, he.. he drinks blood... he must be a vampire, like us!!"

Brett's father scoffed;

"Brett!! Will you calm down and think for once!! Does Eddy have fangs like you do? Does Eddy feel physical pain when he sees a cross? Has Eddy.. has he shown strong cravings that result in major screaming tantrums which are associated with late blood awakenings!?!?"

Brett and Eddy looked at each other. Brett questioned him.

"Eddy..? Fangs..?"

Eddy shook his head as he opened his mouth to show Brett that he had no fangs.

"I.. I drank that girl's blood by using the puncture holes you made with your fangs, Brett..."

No fangs.

"Eddy..what about the cross..? Do you remember the ores on the boat?! When we were little !? Did you feel pain when you saw them in a cross?!"

Eddy shook his head.

"No Brett.. I was.. immobilised.. I couldn't move, but I didn't feel pain.."

Eddy clearly remembered that day. He was only 6 and Brett was 7. Eddy took Brett out on the boat and the ores were accidentally positioned in a shape of a cross. Eddy remembered he was paralysed when he saw the cross shape and that had stayed in his memory because it was such a strange experience. But now upon further reflection, he remembered how Brett by contrast had given out a blood-curdling scream when he saw the cross. Brett definitely had a much stronger reaction towards the cross than Eddy did.

Eddy then stammered as he whispered;

"...Brett.. you told me you cried at night but.. were you actually having screaming tantrums..?"

Brett's voice shook as he questioned his father;

"H.. how did you know I had screaming tantrums?"

"..The servants heard your cries and were alarmed and informed us. We suspected it had something to do with your late awakening and we had to do a lot of research ourselves."

Brett shook his head in confusion.

"Father.. no.. Eddy's not like me... He hasn't had prolonged and severe tantrums like I have.. Nowhere close. I.. I don't understand. But he liked human blood..what does this all mean?"

His father remained silent, seething with anger, unable to speak again. Brett furrowed his brows in confusion and turned towards his mother.


When Brett questioned his mother, she burst into tears. Brett stammered in shock;

"M, mother...? Why.. why are you crying..?"

Brett's mother whispered;

"Brett.. your father and I think that Eddy is ...a hybrid."


His father interjected;

"His vampire traits are not as strong as someone who was born from two vampire parents. So we suspect Eddy is a hybrid, part vampire, part human. "

"Okay so you mean.. like one of his biological parents is a vampire and the other is a human? So he'd be half vampire, half human?"

Brett's mother shook her head.

"No Brett, your father didn't say half, he said part. We think it's a bit more complicated than half human half vampire."

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