9. Unalike lives IV - The greener grass on the other side

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"C'mon, wake up! Come for a walk with me."


17 year old Eddy yawned as he walked behind 18 year old Brett.

Brett turned around and smiled.

"Still sleepy Eddy?"

"Sorry.. Yeah, just a bit."

"You don't need to apologise Eddy. I'm sorry I woke you up so early when you could've slept in a little bit more. I wanted to get some exercise in the morning before I get busy all day studying for my final exams... I know I said I'd let you sleep in but..."

"It's okay.. I just need to kick start myself..."

Brett looked up at Eddy. He grinned.

"Alright then, I'm it. You run."

"..Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I'm it. You run. Or else..."

Brett jabbed Eddy in the ribs with his finger. Eddy yelped.


Brett grinned.

"I remembered from years back that you were super ticklish. So are you ready?"

Brett wriggled his fingers and Eddy knew he was serious. He turned around and ran.

"Oh f*ck Eddy, you're fast...!!"

So Eddy sprinted and Brett chased him.  They ran through the estate, up and down the grassy hills. It was early summer and the early morning air was warm and pleasant, but not too hot yet. The immaculately kept lawn was lush and green.

Eddy would've been much fitter than Brett. But Brett didn't hesitate to run across the flower bed whereas Eddy couldn't and ran around it. When Brett cut across the flowerbed he managed to catch up to Eddy and he tackled him to the ground. Together they fell onto the grass with a soft thud.


Brett triumphantly declared as he pinned down Eddy with his bodyweight. He was practically lying on top of Eddy.

There they both lied on the grass, heavily breathing in sync, feeling each other's heartbeat.

Eddy giggled as he put his hands up.

"Okay.. you ...got me..!"

Brett turned his face towards his captive.

"So Eddy, what's my reward for catching you?"

Eddy rounded his eyes.

"A reward? From me? I.. I don't have anything..."

"Oh! I know what I'd like! Tell me more of your mother's bedtime story."

Eddy chuckled.

"Okay, sure. Um.. you mind getting off of me? You're a bit heavy..."

Brett quickly shuffled his legs off and instead placed his head on Eddy's chest.

Eddy moved one of his hands into Brett's hair, the other rested on Brett's back. Brett closed his eyes.

The story of little Brett trying to make bread for his mama continued with little Brett collecting enough flour, then receiving a little bit of yeast from the kind cook who taught him the importance of adding sugar to the yeast and how the bread would rise thanks to the bubbles that formed when the yeast multiplied. Little Brett successfully baked a small loaf of bread which he took to his mama and was given lots of praise, kisses and cuddles for it.

There were plenty of moments of antics in the story where Eddy's mother would kiss or cuddle her son, those were replicated with a delivery of a quick peck on Brett's head or by holding Brett in close with the hand Eddy had on his back. Brett enjoyed the story, including all the kisses and cuddles that came with it.

He was also astounded by the content of the story, Eddy's mother had incorporated knowledge of biology and chemistry by explaining what yeast was and how it worked.

Brett listened to Eddy's voice which he found very soothing, perhaps because Brett always thought Eddy's voice was gentle but in particular, his storytelling was mellifluous and such a pleasure to listen to, most likely because Eddy would've been told this story by his mother so many times. Again, Brett felt a pang of envy.

"Eddy... that was so nice."

"I'm glad you liked it."

"Very much so. Thank you. I hope you'll tell me another one again soon."

"My pleasure. Of course. I mean, I'm not in a position to object Brett."

Brett frowned. He lifted his head off Eddy's chest and looked at him.

"But you're my friend...!"

"Brett, I'm not. My parents have told me so"

Brett spoke with frustration.

"Why do they keep feeding you this garbage?! They need to be told not to interfere with our friendship"

Eddy widened his eyes in panic.

"N.. no..!!! Please Brett, don't tell them off, please...!! I.. I beg for your mercy..!!"

Brett shook his head in frustration.

"Eddy.. just speak to me like a friend... please."

Eddy stammered.

"I..I'll try, okay? Just, please don't talk to my parents, please. They'd freak out. Please Brett, I'll do anything...!!"

Brett bit his lower lip. He glanced at Eddy's neck.


"Of course Brett. Anything."

Brett gave Eddy a hard stare.

"Eddy, then... I.. I wanna have another taste from you."


"Your blood. I want another taste."

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