27. Nuptials III - don't send in an inspector

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"Eddy, that was just a figure of speech I know you are sevent.... OH SH*T !!!"


"I.. we.. I.. oh my god.. and you are so... Um... oh geez, look, I think you better come downstairs with me Eddy.."

"Say what?"


Brett tapped on the glass panel as he opened the glass door and peered into the sunroom.

"Um.. mum?"

Brett's mother raised her eyes from her book.

"Yes? Oh, welcome back Eddy, have you settled in Brett's room nicely? I'm sorry the annex won't be ready till tomorrow."

"Y, yes, thank you Ma'am."

Eddy hadn't really. He was quite confused to be honest but thought it was best to let Brett speak to his mother since he seemed very keen to do so.

"Um, actually Mum.. I.. I mean we..well actually I need to talk to you please."

Brett's mother furrowed her brows. She then put her book down next to her and quietly replied;

"Of course. Take a seat."

Brett and Eddy sat next to each other on the sofa across the chair Brett's mother was sitting in. Brett bit his lower lip as he started;

"I guess I was too excited.. which is probably not the right word for this, but.. it had completely slipped my mind with all the other stuff we've been talking about..."

"What on earth are you talking about Brett? Does Eddy even know what you're on about? Because when I look at him, he actually looks just as lost as I am?"

Brett glanced at Eddy sitting next to him on the sofa.

"No.. I.. don't think Eddy has any idea.."

Eddy stammered.

"I.. I'm sorry I don't."

Brett turned to Eddy and smiled.

"Hey it's okay, it's not your fault."

Brett's mother was still confused.

"So.. what it is this all about?"

"Well.. Eddy's still seventeen, Mum."

Like, how to you explain to a seventeen year old human virgin that you want to do the marital deeds with him but he's not at a legal age yet ? Where do you start explaining stuff to him when he's so innocent he has no idea about sharing a bedroom, let alone a bed between couples?

Brett's mother nodded.

"Oh yes, of course."

..Meanwhile, your mother understands everything in a microsecond...!!

Brett furrowed his brows.

"So.. does it matter?"

"Well.. there is no means to prove his accurate age. Even if the authorities tried."

Eddy's eyes widened with fear.

"W.. what authorities?! Am I in trouble?"

Brett raised both of his eyebrows and stammered;

"Oh, no, no, no Eddy, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I can assure you that you're not. It's more that.. um..."

Brett blushed.

"It's more that I could get into trouble if..."

Eddy's eyes widened.

"Brett! You're going to get in trouble because of me?"

Brett's mother gave out a chuckle;

"Oh Brett, stop fretting. You're causing Eddy anxiety! You are not going to get into trouble.. the law doesn't apply to vampires.."

Brett whispered.

"Mum.. I think.. Eddy is.. not ready anyway.. so I think I should wait. The law is for protecting humans and Eddy is part, in fact mostly human and has been brought up as one.. I think I want to.. respect that."

Brett's mother softened her gaze.

"Oh. Well, I.. I think that is.. nice. I think Eddy would appreciate that."

Yep, your mother understands everything in a microsecond...!!

Eddy remained confused.

"Appreciate what, Brett?"

Brett looked at his mother helplessly and his mother nodded back. Eddy saw the exchange of looks between the mother and son and was even more confused.

"I.. I really don't know what to make out of all this.."

Brett bit his lower lip.

"Eddy, I promise I'll explain later, okay? So, Mum.. it's still ok for us to.. um.. share a bed..?"

Brett's mother gave a warm smile.

"I'm sure that's fine Brett.. it will be like a.. sleepover I suppose? Just enjoy each other's company. We won't be sending in any inspectors, don't worry."

Eddy furrowed his brows.

"Share what? Send in inspectors ?! What are they inspecting??"

Brett facepalmed himself.

"Okay, thank you Mother. We... we'll see you later. C'mon Eddy, let's go back upstairs."

"Actually.. can you boys come with me into the kitchen for a moment please?"

Brett turned around and stared at his mother in disbelief.


"Oh I'm sorry Brett... it just feels like we're having Eddy over for a sleepover now."

Brett rolled his eyes as he tugged on Eddy's arm as they followed his mother into the kitchen.

"Here darling, you should try these and see which one Eddy likes the best."

Brett held up and stared at the 3 gadgets his mother had taken out of her kitchen drawer and popped into a ziplock bag for him. They were all contraptions Eddy could use on Brett to make puncture holes on his neck in order to suck his blood. One looked like a wonton maker, another looked like a small dagger with two pointy bits and the other looked like a short pen.

"...Are these gonna hurt?"

Brett's mother laughed.

"Oh Brett, don't be a baby. I am sure Eddy never complained his neck hurt after you bit into him?"

Brett blushed.

"On a serious note, Brett, I think you've got a more pressing issue than what you came to talk to me about. Your skin is starting to look very translucent. You really should have a drink as soon as possible. Definitely for your own sake but also to be prepared when Eddy gets his next urge.

"Um.. okay.. thank you Mother. Eddy.. let's go back upstairs."

"But Brett, I'm still confused.. I have no idea what you were talking about..."

"I'll explain everything when we get back upstairs, I promise..!"

Brett tugged on Eddy's arm and hurried out of the kitchen while Brett's mother smiled and watched them leave.

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